(Business building lessons for business leaders who want to learn, from Petya Balogh)

For whom?
For business leaders and startup founders with a few years of leadership experience who want to learn, become better and more aware through new perspectives, grow and develop with their company.

If a company is not developing and growing every year, it is not the market, not the team, but the leader who is stuck. Ourselves. And until we find the next step within ourselves, we cannot move on. Come with me and let’s level up! Let’s spend three days together, exploring the key challenges and solutions to building a business!

Personal, intensive course
In three days, from morning to early evening, I guide the group through hundreds of my own slides and stories of the lessons, practical advice and underlying theories that have made a difference to me and my portfolio companies in building a business. The best thing is that the whole programme is interactive, so you can ask questions at any time during the three days you spend together, there will be time to get to know each other and talk about your personal, current dilemmas.

Study material

I have my own curriculum of over three hundred slides, covering nine major topics – Leadership, Team, Strategy, Customer, Sales, Marketing, Money, Development and Goals.


Between the modules, I help you work through the topic with exercises, adapting it to your own company. The exercises are solved and discussed in small groups.


You can always ask me questions while I’m on the go, but I regularly stop and engage participants. You’ll have more to say about your company and more concrete, actionable knowledge.

Course participants said

Average rating of the course: 9.65 / 10 (based on feedback from 44 participants)
Kovács Roland
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Ha már vállalkozol, akkor csináld jól. Ehhez a legnagyobb segítség Petya kurzusa. Nagy dózisú bizdev 3 nap alatt. Mintha 100 üzleti könyvet falnál be.
Turcsiné Czapári Dóra
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Ennyire átfogó, színvonalas, rengeteg példával illusztrált képzéssel még nem találkoztam ezen a területen.
Hudák Viktor
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Növekedésre vágyó, és ezért tenni is akaró vállalkozásoknak feltétlenül itt a helye! Nagy hasznos és magas színvonalú előadáson vettem részt! 
Vitvera Gábor
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Három nap szuper intenzív oktatás, ahol hasonló értékrendű emberekkel tanulhattam egy Cápa bőrébe bújt üzleti angyaltól. Simán eljönnék még egyszer!
Horváth Anikó
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A cégépítés bibliája 3 napban összefoglalva. Hiteles, tapasztalati tudás, amit a legkisebb cégtől a nagy cégekig bármilyen cégvezető tud használni.
Ványi Rajmond
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Alapos összefoglaló kurzus! Minden magyar vállalkozónak kötelezővé tenném! 
Csővári András
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Ha tehetném, kötelezővé tenném minden vállalkozónak. Kritikus személy vagyok, de ebben nehéz hibát találni.

As only I know. This will not be an academic paper on world capital markets. It’s not even a university meetup, where there are no bad ideas, just little realities. It’s not the run of the mill experts telling you everything after reading two books. 25 years of experience in building acompany, learning from the build-up and exit of a world-successful mobile games company and a world-successful navigation company (NNG). Over40 angel investments, thousands of hours of executive mentoring experience. Joint investment with more than a dozen VCs. Nearly 10 billion HUF of external capital invested in own portfolio companies.
The basic principle of the lecture series is to approach each topic from three angles , mixing theory, practice and personal experiencein a 1/3-1/3-1/3 ratio. So, as well as being accessible and enjoyable, it gives you both a deeper understanding of the “whys” and concrete, immediately usable practical knowledge.

The series of presentations will include many concrete stories, real investments, case studies, and at several points there will be Q&A or joint reflection and discussion between the participants, so participants will be required to sign a mutual confidentiality agreement before attending.

What will I learn about?

The course is structured around nine major themes that determine the success of a growing business:

  1. The leader
  2. The team
  3. The strategy
  4. The client
  5. A sales
  6. A marketing
  7. The money
  8. The development
  9. Our goal with the company

Each topic will be the subject of more than 2 hours of interactive presentations and discussions, so over the three days a total of around. 21 hours of “net” work together.

Application, details

Course participation

When: 2023. autumn

You can now pre-register to ensure you have a place in the next group. This is not a commitment, so you can always change your mind later.

Click on the “APPLY” button to fill in an application form. Applicants will receive an email with a link to the online contract after applying. You must complete and accept the contract online. We will then (within a few days) issue and send you an invoice, which you can pay by bank transfer or card.

Of course, you can buy as an individual or as a company. The invoice will include your details and we will send you a VAT invoice for the course purchase.

Of course, in this case, the invoice will be issued accordingly. Don’t forget to give your Community tax number if you are buying from an EU company! The invoice will also include the IBAN bank account number of the company to which you can transfer the money.

You can change your mind two weeks before the course starts, but if you cancel at the last minute, you’ll probably have to pay for your hotel booking. If something comes up, let us know and we’ll try to sort it all out.

The expected number of participants is 20-40. If there were fewer applicants, the course might be cancelled.

Of course not, it would not be realistic. We’ll cover the most important topics and, where possible, show you the important lessons through concrete examples, but beyond that, you’ll also face many challenges on your journey as an entrepreneur. Success will take a lot of experimentation, learning, trying and a few failures.

This is not adult education. It has no training objective, it does not aim to develop competences, it does not give you a qualification, it does not entitle you to anything and it does not promise that you will find a job in the labour market more easily because you participate.

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