Well, today’s topic is not an easy one, because we are starting with leadership learning, which is obviously a little bit related to the start of our academy, because that’s our main motivation. And on the other side, I think we will be talking about a world that is accelerating, but I think more and more of us are feeling it around us, so I think the challenge of that will become more and more acute in the coming months and years. But why? Why even talk about an accelerating world, or what does it mean for us? This means that from the 60s and 70s onwards, the development of technology has entered an exponential curve. This means, as Intel’s marketing manager Mor has stated as a mort law, or regularity, that every two years or so the amount of computing capacity that can be bought for the same amount of money doubles. This means that every two years about. It halves the price of a transistor, so you get twice as much for the same dollar. And this was way back in the 60s and 70s, and there were only a few hundred or a few thousand transistors in a chip, in an ITC at that time, which meant a relatively small computing capacity. This is also illustrated by the fact that my smart phone, which I use every day to make phone calls, take pictures of food and watch ticktock videos, probably has more total computer capacity than the entire human population had in the 1970s. So it’s amazing how the world has evolved, and one of the crowned, uncrowned kings of this evolution is the H-EM, an ultra processor that has been on the market for almost two years now, and is Apple’s latest, not the latest, but the most powerful bull machine.
It has 114 billion transistors, which gives you an idea of the orders of magnitude. And that is the trick of this development curve. That over a one-year to two-year term it’s still doubling the number of transistors, yet it means very little to us that it’s catching up a little faster with Windows, or freezing a few points faster. These are small things that we notice in life, but they don’t change anything. Where this becomes very important is that in 20 years it is multiplied by a thousand, in 40 years by a million and in 60 years by a billion. And with human brains we cannot even comprehend what a thousand times more computing capacity is enough for. And certainly not what a billion times more computing capacity is enough for. And what is already apparent, and I think we’ve all been informed lately, is that these billions of transistors together are capable of simulating or even implementing thinking on some level. All of that goes together, and I don’t know how anybody has felt over the last three years, but over the last three and a half years I think change has been one of the most important elements of our world. They say that it’s not that the shit is worth that much, but that it’s wobbly.
Well, they’ve certainly been moving at a good pace over the last couple of years. If you think about it, we had a pandemic, then we had a supply chain collapse, then we had a chip shortage. Now we are beside a war, an energy crisis, runaway inflation, developing an economic crisis, It has arrived. One builds. Even a small part of this pile of change would have been enough for a decade. And there have been decades, even centuries, when we have had far fewer of these drastic changes. But the other thing that’s exciting about it. That these changes are very rapid. We are not talking about changes that take years or decades to come around, but changes that can take days. In almost every country around the world, there is a day when Covid has caused the whole society to put on the handbrake and there has been a government decision to stop taking children to school the next day. If we could, we telecommuted. We’ve been shopping online because we’ve been watching Netflix instead of movies. The health service has already been abolished. I think it’s a Hungarian specialty that we have permanently lost our health care, but that it’s a one-day game over there. This is because the pace of what we can achieve in society is so fast, our society has become so flexible to such rapid change, so open to it, that the legislation has also become faster. And if you think about it, Covid was not the first pandemic in the history of the world. We’ve had the plague and the Spanish flu, which by the way, had significantly more deaths, were significantly more dangerous diseases in their time in terms of population, and all of which society responded to.
Each has reshaped society, changed consumer habits, affected trade, entertainment, human relations. But he did not do it in a day, but over years or decades. And what has changed is how quickly we can change in such a new situation. For this I called on Ray Kurzweil, an American futurologist. He looked at how often in the history of humanity over the last couple of hundred years there are drastic changes, so-called paradigm shifts, that radically transform our society or our economy. And he has found that the pace and amplitude of these changes is increasing, i.e. they are happening more and more, more and more globally, more and more frequently and rapidly. At the moment, he says he’s claiming that roughly every 10 years that rate doubles, so over the next 20 years or so. Even now, mankind will switch to a four times faster pace than now. That’s a problem because if we’ve been hanging on to keep up the pace, now we’re having a hard time. Meanwhile, I’m looking at the questions. Yes, yes, there is global warming and everything else is happening. And someone asks center, at this rate, will we reach a technological singularity within a hundred years. We’ll come back to that today, but I don’t think it will take 100 years, but we’ll come back to that. What this causes is that these very rapid changes also affect companies and the life of companies.
The way to think of it is that the faster the world goes, the less time a company has to think about making a big splash. And if you look at the fact that in the last 100 years or so. How the average age of the 500 most valuable, largest US companies has changed, we see that it fluctuates a bit with economic downturns. But we are now under 15 years old on average, and the average age of the 500 most valuable companies used to be 100 years old. It also means that as the world speeds up, it becomes harder and harder for us as a company to react, harder and harder to maintain our position, and the steering wheel is being pulled so hard that we are being thrown off at a single turn. I have given you three examples. One was the world’s largest camera manufacturer. Kodak dominated the camera market, owned all the important patents, made most of the cameras, made most of the film, invented the one dollar disposable camera, but also brought the ability to have a camera in the home for private use into the home. It’s fantastic what they have done in this industry and they have dominated the industry. Well, there’s one small thing you’ve overlooked about digital photography. They told me it was a lark, it wasn’t going to happen, and for a decade they thought there was no point in digital photography. After a decade, people are starting to realise that this can be important and that more and more people are actually using digital tools. By then, they had no chance to come back. They lost their market to other manufacturers so badly that they had no chance of recovery and went bankrupt.
Their other company, like I think Tomas Kuk was one of the world’s first travel agencies and the world’s largest travel agency, and Covid didn’t kill them. But they went bankrupt a few years ago, as people stopped using travel agents to arrange their travel, because they can organise everything themselves online. They don’t go to the travel agency anymore because they don’t care what the itinerary is, they’ll put together their own package of airfare, hotel, accommodation, everything. Nokia was the largest technology company in Europe. And he watched this whole wave of smartphones for a total of three years. It’s not that it went unnoticed for a decade, as Kodak did before. By the time they got their turn, they were on the block. I don’t know how to put it nicely, but by then it was enough to have been theorising for three years. They didn’t realise that smartphones were going to eat their market and after three years, when they realised how important it was, this new trend, they were scrambling and trying to do anything, their own operating system, Microsoft’s operating system, Android, they didn’t have a chance to get back in the game and they folded. This is important because it is the case for many, many companies in many, many industries. This kind of accelerating pace is killing not just companies, but industries, one by one. And what we see on this red graph. The average lifespan of successful companies is decreasing year by year and the skill set required to stay afloat is becoming more and more drastic, which is nothing other than learning.
And that’s what today is all about. What do we see in this? Whether this accelerating change in the world gives us an advantage, or an opportunity, or a threat, an existential challenge in which we could lose everything. It’s a little bit up to us. It depends a little bit on how we perceive this environment, how we approach our business and how we approach the changing world. All around us you either have this change happening to you and you ride the wave, or it’s happening to you, this change, and you’re not going to be the winner. So now I think everyone should grab a keyboard. Here we are at seventy and. Quickly write in which emotion does this change evoke in you, or does this pace frighten you or excite you? Did you see it more as an opportunity or a threat? Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity, opportunity. You are great! Challenge. Yes, for some it is a challenge, for others it is both. A huge opportunity. Half and half is an option. Excitement. There are a thousand things. It’s hard to pick one thing. Mixed is also an opportunity and a challenge. Threat and opportunity. Yes, so the proportions are different. But there are many of you who see it as an opportunity, and there are many of you who see it as a threat or a danger. Great, thanks for the quick votes! Adam, I give the floor to Ent. OK, it’s not me this time. Super for ha.
When Petya and I started talking about this, we looked at her evolution. This is because. In the context of knowledge and learning, taking into account the frequency of acceleration. Is this a new kind of problem we are talking about, or is it something that has been around for a very long time? University What do the academics and researchers who have been studying the subject of learning over such a long period of many many many years think about this? And the interesting thing is that if you think about it, the difference between then and now is that in the past it was a kind of privilege to have access to knowledge. If I go back a long, long, long time, the masters passed on their knowledge to the chosen ones, and they passed it on by inheriting it, by nurturing it, by working it, according to some set of rules. And the other people, unfortunately, didn’t really have access to that knowledge. It became an institutionalized form of this, where people were sorted out through schools who within the walls would be allowed in and who would be privileged to have access to knowledge, which then, as it all accelerated, first balanced out and then went to the extreme where now all kinds of knowledge is technically available everywhere, and the challenge is not to access the knowledge, but rather to choose what is the knowledge that we need, to ask the right kind of knowledge, the right kind of questions, and out of access came this sort of problem of selection, and the paralysis that comes with that problem, that making the choice and selection became a challenge.
Thanks. And now imagine that you get a time machine, a cool Delorean like this, or a Doctor WHO kind of time machine. So we will definitely get a time machine to send our knowledge back, so that we can take our knowledge back to the moment we started our company. And if we could do that, if we could take back the experience, the knowledge, the industry knowledge, the company-building knowledge, the market knowledge that we have now, we would put our heads back in there. When we started to build the company, write quietly about how much less time and money you think it would take you to get to where you are now. It’s not bringing start-ups into this world, it’s bringing them into the world when you started. But you could send back the knowledge that half or a quarter of the ethics collected in recent years, even about half or a quarter. Half a fifth to a third of the time. 50%. I have just started the company. It’s cool. I ask the impossible. It is certainly impossible to create such a time machine, unfortunately. But it would be very useful. But I have asked this question of many entrepreneurs, even entrepreneurs who have spent billions of forints in our companies, who have used investor money, even billions of forints, to achieve success. Well, the surprising answer was, as you all say, that half and half was about the average answer, half money, half time. If only they could go back in time to where they started and take the skills they have today. If I look at it that way, it’s an interesting figure, but it’s a much more crude figure anyway, because it allows us to put a price tag on our leadership learning.
We can say that what I have learned as a leader in the last decades was not free, but there was a cost to it, all the losses and all the expenses and costs that I incurred because I didn’t know it well. Because if I could build the same company for half as much in half the time, I would have half the money. I failed because I didn’t know, I failed because I didn’t know and I had to learn. And that’s very important because if you do the math, how much money we’re talking about, in many cases it’s hundreds of millions or billions. When I’ve made a relatively large number of bad decisions in between some good decisions, and a relatively large number of bad decisions in between some good decisions, as a fairly senior person, you don’t even think about it. But those bad decisions were probably billions of dollars worth of bad decisions. Those were mistakes that cost the company and the organisation a lot of money. And it’s important to realise this because it puts our learning in a different light. Our learning is not something that happens for free between the lines, but our learning comes at a price, and these lessons, when they are learned and incorporated, have a hard value. And the question is, how can we reduce this? Can we reduce this learning cost, or if it costs so much, how can we make the most of it? And it’s not a big challenge as a leader on this journey that no one really tells us what to learn.
We no longer have what we had at school and university, where there was a system where if I studied the next module, I got a grade, I could get my bush smoothed and move on. As a leader, the only way is to set goals for yourself, because there are no external, fixed goals, no one else dictates your pace. We always set the pace, we set our goals, and we have to decide how much time we want to spend on learning. And here comes a very important thought. I’m going to be a little bit scared and use a little bit big words. Neuroplasticity. It’s called our brain’s ability to learn. It is surprising that such big words should be used in such a simple concept. I have a story for you. In the picture you can see two entrepreneur photos generated by Aely, one Hungarian and one American, and so at first glance they are genetically similar. Each one has two eyes, two ears and a nose. But the biggest difference between them is that in America, entrepreneurs and everyone in general think that as long as you’re alive, you’re learning, and you can start something new at 60, you can learn a new trade, and if you do it long enough, you’ll get good at it. And Captain Sanders, at 62, he could start KFC and then learn the trade of building a free chicken pot pie out of chicken pot pie, and Americans think that if I put in a thousand hours, I’m going to be super good at it.
But we Hungarians, we know the score, I know the score, or once we’ve grown up, we’re over 18, over 20, then new things don’t come in here. From here on, the knowledge only goes outwards, from here on we are just dumb. We have this misconception that our brains are ready at some point, and from then on it’s done, it’s fixed from then on. We have already developed our personality, we have already developed our knowledge, and you can’t do much about that. And neuroplasticity is a fantastic discovery because researchers have found that the Americans are right after all, that who we are, how we think, how we define ourselves, what we think about a subject, what we are good at, what we are good at. These can all change over time. Our brains do not stop adapting, they do not stop learning, and the physics of our brains themselves are constantly evolving. New neuron connections are made, old ones are broken, and if we use our brains, we can actually learn almost anything. This is important because it proves that where we are in life, or how we think about a subject, or what we have learned, does not have to define who we are, or who we can be, or what we can achieve, forever. Because it all varies. We have an effect on everything, and we decide how we use our brains. And a key element of this process is that we can not only learn, but also forget.
In other words, there are truths that we learn once, whether in school, in business, on our own skin or on someone else’s, and then later find out that they are no longer true. This pseudo learning is a very important pillar of learning to learn well. Because the ever-changing world around us means that its truths are not eternal. If you’ve learned something in business, you’ve got a logic that you know in a market, or you’ve learned a technology, a technological limitation, it might be a different world in a few years’ time. And part of that is that we will have illusions about ourselves, ideas about ourselves, that we think that this is who I am. It’s set in stone, I can’t change. And science shows that everything I believe about myself can be changed, and my ability can be changed, and my knowledge can be changed, and what I’m good at can be changed. And from this point of view, a very provocative image has been directly knocked out of our minds by artificial intelligence intelligence. How we should like the burning of the book, I think, but what it illustrates is how strongly the sanctity of knowledge is ingrained in us, how ingrained in us that once something is born, it is eternal, it cannot change, it is right. And if we have found a truth in life, we have to be careful about it, because it will always be the truth. And this accelerating world is kicking into our lives that this is no longer the case.
Our truths pass, our opinions and our self-definition pass. And this is important because this world expects us to have a learning agility where we are constantly learning, but constantly having to forget and constantly having to throw out old lessons. To achieve this agility, we need an open mind, where we don’t reject something, even because we’ve been there, tried it once and failed. And you have to have the mindset that you are in a constant learning process, that you have to bring in something new every day, and that you have to be in a constantly changing environment. A very important part of this, and there will be much more on this today. It’s learning from mistakes and the kind of self-reflection that allows us to notice when we’ve got something wrong, and to notice when we’ve got something wrong, because we can make up for it more quickly. I don’t know if we should stop here for a moment. I’d be interested to hear you post something in the chat that you thought was true for a long time, or even was true for a long time, and in recent years it’s turned out not to be so in your world? It could also be that something you thought about yourself has turned out not to be so. It could be that you’ve found a new skill that you didn’t know you had, or it could be that there was some underlying thesis in the world that you were very convinced of, and now you realise that it’s not the way it is, it doesn’t work that way anymore.
Well, that’s very good. People are rational, but they’re not. Thank you very much. Yes, that. How can you know a thing 100%? This is what I take. It’s a very important lesson when you realise that you can’t know 100% of anything in life. With hard work, getting rich is the only way to start a business. People are loyal to good people. Yes, friendship exists in business, but it should be a contract. It has to be done perfectly. Multitasking is a must for success. How good is that? If we find out that this is not true? Because how is it? So how is it? I think multitasking is sometimes a bit necessary, but I think Monotas-King is inevitably necessary as well. But I’d be interested to know what you think about it, Petra. Hard work hurts. I never thought I could change for the better. Emotionally, communication can be more effective. You have to dare to think big, to be bold. Yes. Peter writes, “I’ve been working in an industry for almost 20 years and I thought there was no new solution, but we thought, thought and thought and came up with a new solution that some people really like. So it’s worth thinking about. Well, I’ll definitely sign that. Yes, someone trained as a programmer in pastry. Very cool! Thanks for your comments. And what lies behind our learning flexibility is a way of looking at things, a way of seeing the world. Grósz As it may be called, it is also called a growth worldview, which differs from the fixed-world, i.e. the finite-world view, in that it looks for possibility in the fixed constraint in a completely different place. To say the least, in classical thought and the finite world.
One of the basic ideas was that I either can do something or I can’t, or I can do it or I can’t. And if I try to do something too big beyond the limits of my abilities, I’m bound to fail. And what you can’t do, you don’t have to force. If at first you don’t succeed, you should leave it the hell alone and do something else instead. It’s the kind of mindset where I’ve already got a body of knowledge, I’m using it and I’m a fixed person in the world, who’s already okay and I’m okay. Now that’s something that science is increasingly surpassing, and increasingly it seems that people who believe in a continuous learning and experimentation and have a kind of confidence in that, that is, they believe that failure is a learning opportunity, they believe that you can learn anything that you set yourself. Those who believe that perseverance and attitude are the key to success, not the skills acquired in the past but the knowledge and skills acquired in the future, are the ones who keep experimenting and making progress. How. This is important because this, this kind of open-mindedness, this kind of open-mindedness, is so lacking in our education system, and most of us who encounter this idea did so as adults. It’s an idea that didn’t come from school, it wasn’t necessarily inherited or learned from our parents, but it was something that most of us had to learn later. And where all this comes back to is that our emotions about learning will also determine our relationship to learning.
We will learn in many different states of mind in life, and we are already doing so. However, the most typical learning as an entrepreneur is to learn very quickly when the house is on fire. So it may be that when there is a big problem, when the NAV comes for a comprehensive VAT investigation, we are very quick to bounce out of our knowledge of VAT law, and when a customer complains about poor performance, we are very quick to read the relevant passages of the Consumer Protection Act. But this kind of learning under stress is very solution-focused. In the short term, this prompts us to get a very simple answer to a burning dilemma in a very short, stressful, fire-fighting mode. But it can also be an emotion in which we learn, in which we are curious, in which we want to explore the world and. This, this kind of thinking, when you are driven by curiosity to know something. This is true children’s children’s learning. Let me give you an example. My daughter Panni is now 6 and speaks better English than I do. His pronunciation is better and his vocabulary is slowly increasing. Not because he goes to an English teacher, but because we let him watch stories on a tablet, on YouTube and we let him watch stories in several languages. And for a while he watched the same story in Hungarian and in English. Then he started watching only in English and now he consumes mostly English content, so if he watches movies he prefers English, or if he watches videos, like about craft or craft projects, he does it in English. He is driven by curiosity, driven by interest. He doesn’t learn languages the way we learned languages in the classroom, where grammar and vocabulary are taught separately in the first years, but he learns because he is interested in the subject and that’s why the university and I are weird.
You may know about me that I didn’t finish university, I left relatively early because they want to give you answers before the questions arrive. When I read the textbook of Business Economics as an undergraduate, I had no level of curiosity about what it said, because I had never had a company of that size, I had never built a company, I had never had the management dilemmas that, let’s face it, they were trying to teach us from a 50-year-old textbook, and I’m not sure that the best answers were in the book, but at least there were some answers in the book. However, I was not interested in those because I didn’t have the problem yet. So I realised that the most useful way to learn is to always find answers to the questions you have. If we can learn on topics where we at least understand the question before we get the answer. Yes, this is Norway. That he was interested in it, but it wasn’t about what you do, what I do the courses for. Well, yes, because when the interest is there, what you see is what you get. What we hear, we immediately understand the context of, we can more easily incorporate and understand its use. But as leaders, what do we really need the knowledge for? Why do we want to keep learning? And here the goals can be very different.
We will talk more about this. But sometimes we want to learn something just to understand something new. We want to understand it in order to see the coming iceberg, or to understand a new industry, or to better manage an area within our company. By better understanding what goals we set or how our colleagues can achieve them. But the other thing that holds us back from learning, and I have experienced this a lot myself as a g leader, is our negative emotions. But it was very difficult for me to come to terms with that, to admit as the number one manager of a company that I didn’t know how to do something, to say, wow, I don’t know the answer to that. However, I want to learn to sit in on the same training sessions that my colleagues sat in on, acknowledging that I am as deaf as they are to the subject. And that holds us back a lot. The illustration is from the emperor’s new suit. The fear of finding out that I don’t know everything either. But it is said that an organisation can learn well if its leaders can admit that they don’t know everything either, because we are constantly being role models, that is, our learning, our learning patterns inspire others. How does it work for you? It tells you, whoever is leading the team, how much you can admit or what trick helps you, and then you admit that you don’t know something, how easy it is for you to admit to the team that you are not perfect at something and that you still have room for improvement.
Pumpkin. Has anyone been in these shoes? Of course, there is no problem with that today, writes Zoli. External motivation can kill curiosity and intrinsic motivation. I was interested in psychology, but psychology school was terrible. In the meantime, I didn’t care at all, but after I changed professions, I’ve loved psych ever since. Now I think that’s very true, especially for psychology, because it’s very true that many of us are very interested in it, but I think that in the university they can take away our interest very quickly, and we make ourselves curious. Very good saying from Zoli about the self leadership pattern works and the basic premise that everyone else can do it well. Yes, it’s also great if it’s accepted in our organisation that we don’t have to be all things to all people and that we’re not a god emperor cause, but just mortal leaders. Yes, Peter writes that it is better to take the risk than to let them find out. Well, yes, they are finding out. So the emperor’s new clothes were discovered in time, after someone had already drawn attention to them. Yes. Of course we NOL is a NOL too. We are creating banks and they have responsibilities in certain areas, and I say that with an open hand. Or do I only know how to organise and manage projects? Yeah, yeah, that’s good too. From Attila or can you take it on as a leader? That we understand leadership, not the profession. And then it helps a little bit to dare to admit gaps in our knowledge and dare to learn together with the team. Yes, if the leader also tells, If he doesn’t know something, the others will be more open. The super Adam.
Which just so happens that if you take it from a slightly different angle, the part that at the end of the day everyone is human, and what he’s trying to blame people for anyway, he’s rationalizing here, but he’s not. It’s a very very valid and very nice comment, by the way, because I feel it started out a little funny or funny, but it shows a lot of pain. Namely that humans are fundamentally emotional beings, and that the psychology of this cannot be left out of the story. And when you get to the point where you start to deal with change, and you start to look at this from a one-week-on-one perspective, from a one-perspective of what is possible, what is not possible, what is our self-definition, then you will eventually get to the point where you go through different frameworks and ways of thinking about what would motivate you and what would help motivate you. Stick to the train of thought all the way. And if we take an example, when we look at children, why is it that today’s teenagers are still very keen to press their phones and play all sorts of games, about which we can make judgments and judgments that, well, there’s no point, it’s just taking up time. And why he plays with it anyway. Now apart from the extent to which these games are geared specifically to capture attention, in fact, according to a number of studies, the reason why children play so much, and play so willingly and increasingly, is that in our changing world, where there is increasing uncertainty and a diminishing ability to cling to rationality. So these games give the illusion of apparent control, that you have the opportunity, you have the opportunity to connect with something in a chaotic, chaotic world, and this kind of thing helps to sort the brain out a little bit and bring it back to a state where it can start thinking again about what the motivation is, as long as it’s coherent.
I’ll show the other side of this in the next slide on when it comes to getting to Jackson. So basically you go from a state of lack of motivation or stuck motivation to a state where you’re very keen to learn something, you go to a training, you take a course on Petya’s guitar that he has now and you say he should run. We’ve found something motivating and we’re incorporating it, and it’s what’s called the hodba effect. This is the hot bath effect, where what happens is that because of some external influences we reach a very pleasing state, a pleasant state in which we can function very well, and we think that from then on everything will be different. However, when you come out of the hot bath, you are greeted by the cold, cold, dry reality of the outside world, and so an inner circle is set in motion that causes you to revert to old internal programs, to patterns that have somehow worked. When they have supported and maintained our previous self-definition, our previous managerial self-image or our previous corporate functioning, they may no longer be effective or helpful to us, but they are what we are known for, what we are familiar with. And when that hot bath, in which we could relax and grow a lot, is gone, we are left with the cold reality and our relationship to the old images. What does this story have in common? The motivation is to try to grasp your identity. If you look at it through self-definition, and this is here, if you look at it in a relevant way, it’s very important to look at your self-image and whether you think of yourself as a leader in a growth or fixed main set. Once you are beyond that, you are in a form of a stuck state, or perhaps a baker’s state. And how can we bring these two closer together so that in our reality we begin to question and begin to correct, possibly through the learning process, the self-image that serves us or not?
This is also important because, in relation to learning, Adam Nagy used this hot bath to say that it is easy to get to a state where we are enthusiastic, easy to get to a state where we feel that, well, from now on I will read every day, I’m going to study every day, I’m going to get up at 5am every day, I’m going to eat three avocados, I’m going to take a cold shower, I’m going to run three marathons before breakfast, and by the time anyone else wakes up I’ll have answered all their questions, and then we’ll be out on the street so fast. Here’s the hot bath after the big inspiration, because we need to find how we can build this up in a sustainable way, sustain this kind of commitment to learning. But how much time do you spend on learning? Is there dedicated time? You can tell me in the comments, how does it work for you? Is there a time when you say that? I reserve these few hours every week to learn something new, something new. Try it out. Attila writes that you get 3 hours of sleep a day. Hats off. 1 2 hours a day, 1 hour a day. Yeah, if I study almost every day. Yes, much less now, but at least 5 to 7 hours a week. Even though it’s difficult with a family, isn’t it? There’s a constant grind between work, family, personal life, wifey, which one of my fingers is biting which one, which one I have time for and don’t have time for, but somehow work fills up the time I could be spending studying. I watch 5 to 6 hours of video content a week at work, 2 to 3 hours on Mondays and Fridays, and the last Thursday of the month after 8pm.
Watch very tight, good, it’s good when it’s so dedicated. It’s time whenever you can. I’m a manic learner, and when we talk about learning, we see that there are two ways of learning. One is this firefighting mode, where we are learning reactively, when something happens in our company, which I talked about earlier, the tax audit comes, we want to educate ourselves very quickly on tax and financial topics. In other words, the root cause is always a problem. We’re not talking about this as a planned learning, but an ad hoc firefighting type of learning, where the main goal is to survive that particular situation, and we’re not doing it for the knowledge we’ve gained in the long run, but basically to survive. And maybe it’s a bit of a bumpier learning path, but we appreciate it. Once you’ve passed the tax audit with flying colours, let’s have a big blow anyway. We never say, well, that was tough, but now I know more about the subject, so we can sometimes summarise what we’ve learned. The other, much more forward-thinking way of learning is to be proactive, to start learning something not because it burns your hands, but because you see the potential in something. At the beginning of the course, most of you indicated that you see change as an opportunity rather than a threat. This is good because it moves you towards proactive learning. You are probably here because you see an opportunity in the future. You want to be better, you set goals and you try to achieve those goals in a planned way, setting yourself long-term progress and supporting it with a kind of continuous assessment of where I am on my journey.
But we learn in many different ways, I work with many entrepreneurs. I’ve mentored over 100 leaders over the years and I’ve realised that there is no such thing as a single, super learning methodology. Whatever anyone says, there is no one way to introduce new information. I know people who learn from books. Books have also given me a lot. When I was in very big, very big water, the waves crashed over my head when I let go. Then it was just a few books that could regularly pull me up, pull me up into the air, to understand what was happening around me or to deal with situations. Some people like to watch videos, some take courses, some read articles because the book is too long, but they will read a good article and get inspired by it. For example, I really like to learn from debates. If I can argue with someone about a topic, I always feel that my own understanding is much deeper and I know much more by the end. Once in a while, a good debate can change my own mind. And then there’s experiential learning, where once I’ve done something, I have more and more knowledge about it. Which of these do you use and which one works best for whom? Some people have already written that they are listening to podcasts or studying in the car. It’s also a very cool way to incorporate learning into your life. But Pali writes that if you educate and it helps a lot, it will be a powerful way to talk about how cool it is to educate and learn more about something.
I look at what has been written course, workshop, book, book. Some people watch videos in fast-forward, discussion, videos, videos, courses, experience, mixed bragging. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a good debate in a long time. A very strong speech, and then why it’s important to have these good debates or learning between entrepreneurs. It used to be that books were forgotten since the arrival of children. Wow, that’s sadly something I can very much agree with, that with a family with young children it’s so hard to find time to read a professional book rather than a storybook. Leadership communities, mastermind groups writes Balázs. Very super, if anything. I have to present or summarise, then I dig really deep, or benchcasts, podcasts, mentoring programmes. Ha. A fast, superficial company. The best. So the experience is that you are diverse. This is not the main message, which has helped me a lot, and that I should not copy other people’s learning methodologies. It’s enough to find which one works for me, which one I can fit into my life. And if I think back to a period that was difficult and challenging, what was the learning that was most useful? Not the one I enjoyed doing the most, but in hindsight, which one? Have the big insights, the useful ideas come in? Which one helped you the most? So if you do a little retrospective, when you’re coming out of a difficult period, or if you look back over the last couple of years, which channel has been the source of some of the really defining impulses? Because at the end of the day, the most important thing is that what works for you, what fits best into your learning method, do more of it, enhance it.
And what many of you have mentioned is learning from each other and learning together. I see the incredible power of entrepreneurial communities. If only because our entrepreneurial problems, our entrepreneurial challenges can be really well appreciated by other entrepreneurs. If we have a dilemma, we can’t tell our parents or our friends because they don’t understand my point. If we have a problem that we’re struggling with, they’re going to look down on us and say, what are you complaining about, you’re an entrepreneur, right? Well, you’ve got a big car, or a big house, or a big company that simply doesn’t realise that we can have problems. But it’s not necessarily a good idea to tell your colleagues either, because they might get scared and quit, but they might not be able to help you because they might not have that kind of insight. What we have, we tell them anyway. So I think there’s an incredible role for entrepreneurial communities and opportunities where we can meet and talk to other entrepreneurs in similar shoes. I don’t know if any of you participate in a Master Mind group. These are usually max. Small groups of 8 people who meet regularly on a permanent basis to learn from each other, share problems and share solutions. And it’s a kind of experience-solving and sharing learning between entrepreneurs, which works very effectively in the long run, because as trust grows, we can go deeper and deeper, but joint workshops and factory visits help us to do that.
And what’s exciting is that research has also shown that not only in our problem solving, but also in our stress levels, it helps if we sometimes think not only about our own problems, but also about others’. Or if another entrepreneur tells me about their dilemma, I have to research it so that I can learn from it because I’m thinking about it, because I’m thinking about some problem that they have, but it still relieves the stress because it reduces a little bit of the loneliness that goes with it. The fact that I’m always stuck in my own problem, and I can even find a new solution by thinking about someone else, even in a completely different type of industry or situation. One problem I have can give you a new perspective on this. When we were learning from each other as entrepreneurs, I noticed, as a member of several of these organizations, as an investor in the Circle of Trust, that there was one. There is a step-by-step process to actually extracting value from these relationships. The first is whether we can create security in such situations. In such trusts, IPOs, clubs or organisations. Is it that before each meeting a confidentiality agreement is signed to create this high level of security, because then a vulnerability can be built up, a kind of open shield towards each other, where we take off all the masks and say, I have a problem, I have a problem. I’m afraid the future is upset by something upsetting you, something spiritual and not just financial.
And that builds a kind of trust that helps us to then go deep in those relationships. Are there any of you who are involved in such master mind groups or communities in a circle of trust or envika or elsewhere, and are benefiting from it, having requested the link from the Master mind. You can also find out more about it there at trust.com. They organise such mastery groups for nearly five hundred entrepreneurs. I also ran a club in the Circle of Trust, EMVK membership is also written by Balázs, so you can ask him about that too. Some people run their own mastermind group, others are part of an international community of entrepreneurs with a mastermind group. I encourage everyone to find this way of learning too. Because, yes, Gábor Kövesdi writes here and that the Circle of Trust mastermind is very cool and useful. But I recommend to everyone these kinds of entrepreneurial learning, where you can travel deep together with great confidence. And then an interesting thing that I’ve realised in the last few years, and they’re about to explain it, is why this mentoring as learning works. We often think that the mentor is the one who helps the other party, the mentee, with a business problem, who is the wise one and gives his wisdom. In reality, the situation is quite different for mentorships. As mentors, we no longer act as leaders, we tell them how it should be, we no longer have to make decisions. And I think it’s a very serious stepping out of a role as a leader, which I’m sure takes some getting used to at the beginning, but it’s also a very liberating feeling to do that.
There is a complex dilemma, but I don’t have to implement the final solution. For me, it’s enough to talk to someone about it, and it’s their problem, and they go on with it. But it’s also a bit liberating, so I had to get used to it. From energy leader to CEO. When I left, I left an organisation of eight hundred and fifty people. There I thought that my job was to decide, my job was to point the way and decide things. Then, as a mentor and investor, my day job turned into talking to people all day long and helping them to put their own perspective on their dilemma. When they come up with a problem, quit their CTO juk, or go bankrupt their business. If there is no miracle or if they are not successful in going international, we could talk about these things by me sharing my own experiences, but also listening to their experiences, their problems, their trials, and I realized that as a mentor I learn the most, because I hear much more than I give. And after a while, it turned out that I was actually a messenger, mentoring forty to fifty companies. I learn from everyone and give to everyone, but most of my experience is no longer from my former management background, but from the many mentors whose experiments, trials, successes and failures I learn from. But to create a good mentoring relationship, you need a very strong trust, a very strong mutual trust, maintained over decades, in which we can do these mentoring competitions, and that’s what makes it exciting for me.
For me it’s a bit like Dr.Hóz Hasagelman or Mr. Hamza Sherlock Holmes. I really love a good dilemma, I love a good challenge, and as a mentor it’s very exciting because there are always good challenges, there are always good dilemmas, and then I get to live them through the eyes of others and through the experiences of others. But it’s great because I think a lot of the more experienced entrepreneurs could become mentors, because there’s a younger generation coming up, who sometimes lack even the basic skills. So, being a mentor is helping some other leaders to share our experience with them, or to share the experience of our industry with them. It’s a fantastic opportunity, and it also helps us to keep our own knowledge up to date and up to date, but it has also helped me to see my own decisions in the past much more clearly and to understand them much more clearly. The world around me, so it also gave a great deal of clarity to the information. I was pushed forward by a mentoring programme. With the 50 talented young Hungarians programme. I was there, and it was the biggest boost and learning experience of my life. Mentoring isn’t the best way to learn, writes Pali, who is himself a mentor. Perhaps if you could write about who is already mentoring or who is already being mentored or has been mentored or is doing something like this. And to see a little bit about each other afterwards, it might be that at the face-to-face meeting, when we get together at the end of the month for a toast, there’s who wants to be mentored and who wants to be mentored.
These couples may even find each other. Yes. Dani writes that she has just been accepted into the Transylvania Mentor programme. Yes, tomorrow the Transylvanian Mentor programme starts, I will participate as a mentor. This is great! Attila participates as a mentor. And Dani, if I’m not mistaken, is being mentored on the 6th and I’m mentoring in-house, writes Atilla. You are great! And the reason why mentoring and knowledge sharing between entrepreneur and mentor works so well has a name: the Feynman technique. And it’s very simple. The basic principle is that if you choose a topic and try to explain it to a 12-year-old in your own words, you’ll stumble into something you don’t understand well. Because to be able to say something complicated in a simple way, because you have to understand it very well, you have to understand it very well. In other words, when we mentor, when we teach, when we transfer knowledge, it forces us to improve our structures, our knowledge. It always reveals our gaps in knowledge, it always reveals our blind spots, and then if we fill those in, we can go round again and then we can try to pass that knowledge on again. So whether it’s as an education, whether it’s by making a tick-tock instructional video, whether it’s by doing a course like this, or even mentoring a leader, I myself can learn a lot, a lot, and I recommend it to everybody. This Feynman technique works very well, by the way, because it is much more engrained and the simplified knowledge shows that we can really see, see through and understand something. 4. Many have mentored you and are mentoring you. More of you are writing this.
Adam Just a thought on There’s a very, very nice doctrine that I heard a long time ago, so I can’t say exactly, but the essence of it is that wisdom is somewhere that part of our knowledge begins. To be, or the part where we can make a good solution to seemingly incomplete, unclear issues, make a good decision, or make a good separation between seemingly unrelated issues. What do I mean? Some of the types of problems that you can see in the picture are the boil the water type of problems, where you have to go deep to solve something, and if I boiled the water just a little bit every day, it would never boil. However, once boiled, it is boiled from the water and I can work with it from then on. But the other side of that would be, let’s take the example of training, if I go down to the gym and say that I really want to train myself from zero and I’m going to train for 24 hours. On the one hand, it wouldn’t work, and on the other hand, if it did, I’d probably get hurt and not achieve my goal. And this is somewhere in the dilemma of knowledge. We need to be clear about the type of problem that needs to be tackled in a broad way, so we need to put effort into it on a daily basis. And what’s the type of problem that you have to go deep and solve that type of problem and take it to the next level? And just the fact that if we distinguish consciously within ourselves these 2 types of problems and these 2 types of knowledge, learning transformations, what type of situation I am facing, that helps us a lot. So, in the context of what Petya just said, that essentially in the process of mentoring we start to see our own thoughts, our own stumbling blocks, more and more clearly, this is a next step. We can make a conscious distinction between whether this is now a problem that I need to Ford on a daily basis, or whether I’ll resolve it once it’s good. And the fortunate and unfortunate thing about these two is that life is full of problems on one side, and full of things that belong to the other side. So it’s a one-way street, but we need to know which side we’re approaching it from.
Okay, great, thanks! And so what it all comes down to is that if you want to do it professionally, if you want to set expectations for yourself, you should put together a learning roadmap. Well, that sounds like such big words, but we’ll get to the bottom of what that means in a moment. If we figure out what we want to learn and by when, we can then choose the tools we can use to learn it. What will it take to get you on this journey? When should you go to the gym and when should you boil water? And who are the service providers or what are the tools I can use to take my learning through? We can then work out how much energy I have to put into all this and how much I have to absorb in order to achieve the goal. If we can then constantly assess whether we are on the right track. Let me give you a concrete example. One of my favourite entrepreneurs, Balázs Wendler, didn’t speak English well, but he had built an international company, GMS for Business, and saw that he had more and more international clients, so he decided to make up for it. As an adult, I think a lot of people I know are like, well, I didn’t learn English as a child, so the door is closed for me, I’m going to be worn out not knowing English. He said that it’s not like that, you just have to learn, you have to put that energy into it, right? On the one hand, he hired a language teacher with whom he learned English not by boiling water but by constantly expiring genius, but he also put two more things in place to make sure he got tangible results.
One of them went on a camp for more than a month. One of them had a language training camp at one of the big universities in the US, and one summer he went to England for more than a month and had to move out. He could only speak English. He got involved in a very international company, because it was a real boiling point when his language skills reached a much higher comfort level, and to frame it all, he took it upon himself to present on stage in English at the biggest international conference on his subject, the background technology subject, in Paris. So I think he was a little bit clever in forcing himself into a situation where he couldn’t give it up, where he couldn’t say, well, as Adam said with the hot bath example, that when we come out and we’re still full of the warmth of the bath, we’re still full of ideas, and then as soon as we cool down, we’re not in the mood. He is committed to his learning goal. He said that he would have to go in the summer, no matter how important things were going on in his company, because he was going to perform in the autumn, and it would be a shame if he couldn’t perform well when he was on stage in front of over a thousand people. So they don’t have to be very lofty things, they have to be these learning roadmaps, but the goal that I want to know, then define it more precisely, find the tools and figure out how much time it’s going to take me or how much time I’m going to devote to this. And as I move forward, it’s constantly a feedback loop I can evaluate. Do you use such things? Do any of you have a learning goal now? What have they learned this year? You will say it quietly.
What your big learning goal is. By night Pali writes. Tip script by Norbi. Project management. Company valuation investing to buy a company from zero forints, grass, heking, DT, drought, enclave, esrast investments. C programming. Embedded systems. Yes, others agree with Tarastra here. Lecture, technique, storytelling, use of living space for virtual assistant sessions. Perhaps that’s why more people are concerned at night. We’ll come back to that in a moment, what does all this mean in our lives? The winner of the broad communication is interesting, I think, what you write. Many of you write CH this communication, presentation, presentation technique, the. Because we think that for a long time I thought that you had to be born to do this. To be able to speak well in front of a camera or in front of others, you have to be born to do it. And I knew I wasn’t born for this. I knew that for sure. Until my marketing manager Imre, as the head of G, said you should go to a stalinist often, and you should go to a media training, a presentation training, a. He sort of forced me to start doing it, and the first part, the first couple of times were very bumpy, because it was very far out of my comfort zone. For me, it’s shoving a camera in my face and then you see what I’ve become. My wife says I’m a full-time rip-off artist, I’m now quite comfortable talking nonsense in front of twelve cameras and I’ve realised that communication is entirely learnable. You don’t have to be born to it, you just have to do it enough, find the tricks, find your comfort in it, and once you have that, you go after it. So I wish everyone a good learning experience and thank you for sharing.
And now, from personal leadership learning, let’s move on to a little more broadly to corporate learning itself. How is our company learning and what impact is it having on our company? One, which is very important, is that I think as leaders we are all student leaders, and in a good way we will always be student leaders. But in this role we are also role models within the company. In other words, if we learn, others learn. If we accept or acknowledge that we don’t know something but are interested and want to learn it, then others will come forward with the same vulnerabilities and interests. And this is important because it also has an impact on who in our company is allowed to think, who can come up with good ideas. And the companies that lack the capacity for learning, for continuous learning, lack the capacity for innovation, and I’ll give you some more data on that later. I had a very embarrassing incident in my career. There was a relatively junior project manager who I hired into the company, but I was in the middle of a major organizational restructuring, where I created business unit reasons and assigned business unit managers with the title VP, or Vice President, who were responsible for a budget of their own, who had revenue and profit expectations already, so to speak, mini company managers within the company. And as soon as this Junior Product owner arrived on the team, a project manager arrived on the team. We were going through a transition, so we’d had a couple of months when I said, well, I don’t know anybody else for this position. Become the VP off mobai, the patriarch of our mobile department, which was a very big promotion for him, and I made several mistakes.
One is that I chose him because I had no better guess. The second is that I didn’t ask him what he thought about this promotion, but I told him as a fact that from now on you are this person because you can do it best. And then after a few months it turned out that although he was okay as a project manager, he couldn’t wear this shoe 3 sizes bigger than he was, and it didn’t fit him. But by then he had been advertised to everyone, and it was so embarrassing that I was planning to just take him back to some other position, and that would be a loss of face for him and for me, so I had to let him go, and I turned a perfectly good junior prod manager into a totally inept VP, and then I fired him from the company. I was very full of shame about the whole thing, and it was obvious that there were several mistakes. Later on, I introduced a habit, and then I made it a habit in many of the start cards, that when I appoint somebody, I don’t say to them, “You’re ready for this, you’re perfectly fine. Here’s a title, you are now the team leader. Go and do it! Now I’m not telling these candidates. I see your work, I see your skills. I think you could be such a leader. If you want to do it, let’s talk about it. And if they are interested in becoming leaders, I can tell you it will be a long road to get there.
It may take a year or two or three to get into the position. And in return for me giving you this opportunity, for me supporting you to rise to such a higher position. So in return, I expect you to keep learning and educating yourself and reading books or going to courses or watching videos or learning from other leaders, but I expect you to be up to the task. Because I didn’t say you were ready. I stood to give you an opportunity, a chance to become that person. And it usually works much better with this strategy, because on the other side you don’t get a crown on your head, you get an opportunity to grow, to learn and to grow into a position. It is good that this changing world forces us as an organisation to innovate. Innovation is a very trite bullshit word, I like it now, especially in large corporate environments. A A lot of times we think innovation is what American startups are doing, or we think innovation in our organization is what that weird kid is doing, or innovation is some big idea that if we just hear it, we’re amazed at how incredible the idea is. But innovation is all in all a workflow and a very simple workflow. Today it’s about having an idea. We have many, even several ideas, from which we choose one that looks good. Once we have implemented this, we test it, preferably in real life, because we measure the results of this idea, this new feature or this change on a real customer.
Whether it’s customer satisfaction or basket value or process efficiency or lead time or whatever. Then we draw lessons from these measurements and we become a little bit smarter about our market or our activity and the lessons we learn. Learning turns into better ideas, and then we implement those better ideas, test them, measure them and learn from them again. I’ve been working with innovative teams for the last 8 years, and some of these teams are graphomaniacal enough to write up all their experiments and their results. And you don’t have to think about big, sweeping innovations, it could just be doing something a little differently in the future. What do you think the average success rate is? What percentage of ideas that seem good will actually succeed in the end? Write in the chat what percentage of these ideas succeed! 5 10 15 5 10. Yes, roughly 10 percent success rate from these lists, i.e. 10 ideas that seem to be good and that the team thinks will take us forward. 1 out of 10 ideas will have a real positive impact and can be built on later. In other words, the biggest risk of innovation is that not all ideas will be successful, but in a good case, all of them will be learning. And that’s the idea of the Magic et switch, that I’m not just trying to succeed, I’m not just trying to succeed, I’m trying to learn, and that this learning is as valuable an output of the process as the business outcome or the profit at the end.
Very important. And I presented to the management of a multi in Hungary at an agile transformation workshop. It’s a bullshit bingo event every time I’ve given a presentation at a workshop like this and they’ve said, “Petya Petya Petya Petya We have an innovation project, don’t tell me, tell me, we’ve been doing it for three years, 200 people are working on it now, and we’ve got another two years to go before we launch it. And so I turned pale because they paid me a lot of money to speak at this workshop. And the problem with that is that after 1000 man-years of cost, when you have the implementation and you have the testing and then the measurement, if you have a project that is in the 90% that doesn’t succeed the first time, that only teaches you a lesson, then it’s a very expensive lesson, and it’s probably going to involve a lot of blood and pain at a management level. Because these are the innovation projects where even the CEO is replaced afterwards. So one of the big lessons of the innovation cycle comes from Jeff Bezos. He says that a team that cannot live well on two slices of pizza is not capable of innovation. If we can make the innovation cycle in our company efficient by reducing it to the smallest possible size, the very small, because we can experiment very quickly, very efficiently, that is, we have ideas, from which we regularly select an idea that looks good, we find the cheapest existing implementation, from which we can measure something. We test this on as few real customers as possible, then measure it as accurately as we can, and draw lessons from that.
Innovation in big business tends to die there, with only a thousand people brainstorming and a thousand people implementing, and that’s where it dies. Very few projects make it to the trial stage. When measuring, we start to overlook the results, and we overlook the learning part, because the project failed the first time, because maybe the 90% percent was the learning, but we don’t draw that conclusion because it is. We should acknowledge the failure, the business failure of this. And this is important because, at the organisational level, this innovation cycle is also the learning cycle of the organisation, and if it doesn’t work, it can neither innovate nor learn. The organisation is unable to move forward and gain new information about its market. And what stops us from doing this successfully in companies is that we are afraid of failure. It’s that we’ve learned since we were kids that whoever makes a mistake is to blame, that whoever messes up is the one who tried wrong. The teacher also taught us, I think, Aunt Mancika, that there is the right answer, which she taught us, and all the other answers are wrong, and they all prevent us from daring to experiment at all, from daring to take risks. And this is important because if this fear is very strong in the organisation, if the fear of failure, of short-term failure, is very high, then there is no experimentation, and then there is no innovation and no learning. There is a really good format for this that we can implement at the organisational level.
This is not the case. The idea is that a person gets up on stage and tells you what they have done wrong. After that we applaud, and I was one of the first Hungarian fakapis to speak to the public about the messed up things in my life. You can find it in jute, unfortunately, so you can check it out. Then I did the same thing at home with my kids, we tried having a mini tree house, so I renamed it a bit for them. So it was a night of screw-ups, and they had to stand up and say what they had messed up, what they had got wrong. I then thanked them for telling me and applauded them. Well, it was really hard at first. The first performance with both my big girls is groaningly very difficult. We’ve got to the point where he dares to admit anything that was a mistake. The second one was easier, then after two hours I could hardly stop them, but in the meantime I found out where my favourite mug had gone. Why did I find a broken glass behind the sofa, or why was the sour cream stuffed in the fridge? Because slowly all the little mischiefs and accidents in the household have been revealed. And that’s good because we can try it out at company level. So it can be played with a little bit of softening, but the culture, the corporate culture, which is too strong on failure, where it is not possible to experiment in a way that may not succeed, is also where innovation is also broken. Neither did he. The next step, which I often encounter with business leaders, is that even if we agree on the importance of learning, it is very difficult to fit it into the budget.
Because if I put it in the budget, I might have one from my own past. There are a couple of billion in wage costs. But I have a couple of hundred million in office costs and a couple of tens of millions in financial costs. Which one should I compare the training costs to? Because I say, well, in the end, I look at my other costs, or the HR department’s costs, like payroll costs, or accounting fees, it’s awfully expensive to train. It can be just an incredible cost. My approach to this, and I recommend it to everybody, is that anything that has to do with the efficiency of the workforce should only be related to the workforce. In other words, if we think about how much our company spends on education, training, learning, I can only compare it to the wage budget. I can only recoup how much I spend on people, because if I send them out, if they learn, if I train them, or if they find what they want to develop in, and I support that, then I can hope that they can do their job a few percent better. It might be 5 percent, it might be 10 percent, but I would guess something like that, that the people you invest in training will be more efficient, they will be better, they will be more engaged, they will be more satisfied. That is, if I look at it that 10% of the wage bill is worth it to me to train the organisation, so 10% of the wage bill is a very, very hefty amount of money everywhere, so if I can do that, 5% and not say 5% of the wage bill I’m spending on training people. That’s a very substantial amount of money, a very substantial budget, which I can manage.
What I like best is that we don’t spend it centrally, that is, we don’t say that everyone is going to the same course. I certainly need elements like that, especially if it’s required by the profession, or if it’s some kind of certification or something, I need that, or I’m introducing some new system. What I like best is to give it to people as an individual framework, and say that everyone has a monthly or quarterly training framework that they have some freedom to decide what they want to use it for, what they want to learn from it, and it doesn’t have to be exactly what they’re doing now and don’t have to be. It is not for me to decide what is most useful for him. The best thing is to give him or her as much freedom of choice and choice as possible, and to add to that. In addition to the budget, I think it’s worth adding a time frame. I like the idea of saying that half of the time I’m wearing it, half of the time you’re wearing it. That if you go to a two-day training, one day should be a day off, the other day can be working time. Let’s share this, because what this is all about is whose responsibility is it for our colleague to learn? In the fixed system today, a colleague can say that the company wants me to be smarter tomorrow, then pay me, and I’ll do the learning instead of working. If we are thinking in terms of the end system, then from his side and from our side.
It’s an investment in his success, in his future success, in which he must surely have a role to play somewhere, he must be present, so it’s important for him to play a role in his own learning. And if that’s not there, then it’s easy to end up with me teaching and him not learning, but if it is, if I pay him to go through this nonsense, then he’ll go through the nonsense, if he chooses it, if he picks it, if his interest is there, and if I just help him, then he’s much more likely to take personal responsibility for going to a training course and learning something useful. And it says here that we have a policy that if you pass the exam, we will pay you half of the fee. I think this is a really good example of this shared responsibility. Yes, thank you. Yes, and what’s important from this is that it’s not really expensive to spend 5% of your wage bill on training, it’s expensive to spend 5% of your wage bill on training, but it’s expensive to stay on and not learn and not develop someone, but to put them on a study contract. I’m a great believer that if you invest a lot of money in someone, it’s white to sign a study contract for that, and that makes them commit to the company for a while. But the interesting thing is that if we don’t have one, so I ask for one, but if we don’t have one, it works. I’ll show you some statistics on why it’s worth it. Why invest in education? On the one hand, company managers re a very important statistic.
I don’t know, you probably feel it too, that 80% of business leaders are struggling to get skilled workers. But the idea that we can get everything we need from the market is less and less true. Crises like the one we’re experiencing now can help a little bit. However, what’s exciting, I think PVC is not diloride. He did a survey of companies that spend a lot on education and learning, and one of the things that came out was that well-run learning organisations are 92% more likely to innovate than those that don’t. In other words, this is where innovation actually happens, because where there is no learning, this cycle does not work, and there will be no innovation. The other one I take from the bottom graph is the most exciting, the last figure is 37% higher productivity per capita. In other words, companies where people are learning produce much more. And of course a lot of things. So the companies that will become market leaders are those that can produce better quality products, the ones that are learning. You learn something new that brings profit to the company, You get a certain percentage as a bonus at the end of the year. We spend a lot of money on learning, and some of the workers leave because they have to learn a lot, writes István. Well, for me, if you leave a company because you have to learn new things, you shouldn’t cry. But it is exciting. I’ve never encountered this, but I’m sure there are colleagues who are alienated by it, but we don’t cry for them. And then another very important factor in learning.
I found a Lindner study on the subject, which provides quite good data. They looked at what is the truth among colleagues who spend less than one hour a week or less than five to five hours a week studying. And it turns out that people who spend more than five hours a week learning are 48% more likely to have a greater sense of mission and impact in their company, 47% less stressed, 39% more likely to experience success, and 23% more likely to take on extra responsibility within the organisation, which shows that our highly learning colleagues feel much better at work anyway, less stressed, feel better about themselves, more willing to take on more, more aligned with the interests of the company, ergo they will be our good colleagues. So the company that spends more on learning and teaching gets more back from its colleagues. And then we’ll stop here for a little bit on the Write down in the comments, all of you, what you’re doing in your company to encourage more learning in the organization, so how do you encourage learning within the company, or what framework do you set for it, how do you write it into your budgets, how do you create time for it? Do you sign this study contract? What works for you? Let us know if you are doing anything to help the team learn. I will tell you some very simple tips and tricks in the meantime. I still meet company managers who, one by one, weigh up whether or not to approve a colleague who wants to buy a textbook from Amazon. I think any minute more than that should be worth our time.
We had a very simple policy that if anybody wanted any book from Amazon that was even a little bit related to being a company, and not a storybook for their child, the company would order it, pay for it. All we ask in return is that he reads it if possible, and he may not read everything, but if I buy him three books and he reads one of them, it will be a very, very good return not only on the price of the book but on everything else around it. Because a book is so cheap compared to a professional’s salary that it should be trivial, whatever you want in a textbook or a Judeo-Christian course or a modern course or whatever, the company will buy it, just do it and you’re ahead. Timi writes that I work at the Night Research Centre. 30 percent of our time is mandatory self-improvement. This is very good! It can be super, super motivating. We have an individual framework, but we also have a study contract, which discourages colleagues, so there are some places where the study contract discourages colleagues from studying. Well, in that case, it might be worth relaxing my study contract, Then it’s not worth sticking to the study contract, because if it stops colleagues from studying, it might do more harm than good. And then we turn to our last topic, because I thought we had to. This is what we will talk about today. And that is artificial intelligence. And how does this affect our learning boredom, our corporate learning? I spent the previous week in Transylvania and in Partium, where I performed for students and entrepreneurs. I gave a lecture to a total of 500 people, and at one of the university lectures, one of the participants, a student, raised his hand and said, “By the way, now that artificial intelligence is here, do we even need to learn? Is there any point in studying anything as a university student? And so what I think about it is, on the one hand, maybe there is.
I think it’s transforming learning, because the subject knowledge itself is knowing the years by heart, or the production of bauxite in Argentina by geography, or the top 20 cities in China by geography. This is unlikely to have any practical meaning in the lives of those growing up or living now, because the subject knowledge has long since been replaced by Google, Wikipedia, guggal and a whole lot of other things. It has not been of much use so far. What is now surprisingly beginning to disappear is the process of knowledge creation itself, that is, the process of knowing, processing and creating, which is becoming more and more automated, more and more machine-able. But what I think is where the competition is really heating up now is that the person who can ask the right questions is the one who can promote well. The one who can process the answer well is the one who can understand it. That is, the emphasis has certainly shifted to subject knowledge, I think, understanding, contextual understanding, flexible thinking and fast learning, and there’s a lot of work that can be done much much more quickly with the help of machines, and I’ll give you some data in a moment. So there are new knowledge expectations. Promting, editing, filtering, these are all new skills that are expected, and if you can do them well, you can do any kind of mental work much faster afterwards. So, yes, someone here says that now is the time to really learn, creativity will never take you all the way.
However, what I was discussing with the vice-rector of ELTE on the radio one morning was that universities are very hung up on being universities. What’s their purpose in this changed world, and somewhere in the definition of university, I think, to this day, is that if you were to send a university graduate back to 1850 and he had to reinvent all the inventions of his profession or take all the established rules of his profession with him, who is the best person to do that? How well can the students rebuild humanity’s knowledge by travelling back in a time machine? The a. The dilemma with this is that it’s almost certain that this will not be their job in life, but the twenty-first, and probably the 22nd. They have to operate in the world of the beginning of the 21st century, where the utility is not material knowledge, but a very different use of tools, understanding and a whole lot of other things. But that’s something that I think there’s still a lot of uncertainty about how the university system can overcome this. But what does this mean for my company? This is the artificial intelligence revolution. But the exciting thing is that the first scientific measurements and research have been done on night time use and silence builder use. They show a 30 to 60 percent increase in productivity in intellectual labour areas. In the case of programmers, one survey showed 53 percent in the area of research, reporting, knowledge and processing, with 60 percent. In online marketing, 20 to 30 percent were measured. In finance, in economics, you can measure significant results everywhere, but what’s really exciting is that you think, okay, it’s more by the kilo, but is it delicious? Most research shows that quality has increased substantially, because it has not.
What happens is not that the machine does all the work for the human, but the human. He can shift his focus from working on beans and chopping wood to better control, better see through, think about the end result in a way that takes human work a level higher. Whichever profession you look at, and all the measurements report that teams who use the night sky produce a better quality output, and surprisingly, that the staff are more satisfied. Last week I gave two presentations on Wednesday, one in the morning and one in the evening. Well, the morning was about the noise of my lecture, about artificial intelligence, and the head of a grant writing company called his colleague after the lecture and asked him, “Listen, you try it out, GPT 4 can help us write a grant and if you type in the parameters, it can write the grant and then I met him in the evening. We also met at the lecture in Cluj, and he told me that his colleague had given him this assignment. In the morning afternoon, I was called back by a colleague and he said two things. The one that you’re watching is fantastic! Well, it did the job so well, it was unbelievable. Damn, it did my job. So what will happen to me? And that’s the dichotomy I think that a lot of people are now encountering, is that you can do the work of a lot of people, almost as good quality and with a little help, even better quality. So the first thing to calculate is.
I was just wondering, if I were running that big software company again, with hundreds of people, what would it mean for me economically if my programmers were 50% more efficient? Simply by any count, billions. And this is interesting because the budget m. How much budget I have, how much money I can spend to make sure that everyone in my company learns to use these new technologies very quickly, that everyone integrates them into their work processes, that everyone is professional in this. I couldn’t spend a tenth of the money I won on that. In other words, we can introduce this organisationally very, very cheaply, we can use these new technologies very cheaply. Compared to how brutal the productivity result is, maybe, but it’s also an opportunity when I think about what my company could do with it. And a huge threat and danger, if I think about that and my competition and it has the same potential, it will mean that I think very quickly there will be a lot of competition in many industries, very quickly, that whoever moves on these technologies first will have an irrecoverable price advantage or quality advantage or productivity advantage. The one who does not use these technologies. And those who wait will have the disadvantage that their profits may fall out of the market or disappear, because the impact is too great. If we were talking about a two per cent increase in productivity or a five per cent increase in productivity, that’s fine, it doesn’t matter. 50% 60% activity. I’m growing incremental to a whole other place that puts the line on who will even make a living in the future.
And when we talk about how we can introduce these new technologies in-house, the biggest dilemma is how to get the team to do it. Because. And it’s a bit of a long shot, but I think it’s an incredible looking in the mirror for humanity right now, because it’s questioning our self-definition, it’s questioning our humanity. But until then, we thought of ourselves as humans as the only creatures in the world that could actually think. We thought that this is our ability to think, this is what really sets us apart and makes us special. And when we talk about the machine being able to do similar or even better thinking and thinking work for us within certain limits, I think it scares a lot of people at an elementary level, at an instinctive level. Because it’s scary. And then out of that comes a fear, and out of that comes a mistrust, partly because for many people it could mean the end of their career. Or if they don’t change, if they don’t learn, if they don’t improve, what they’ve done so far may be redundant in the market tomorrow. I’m in groups like this for building ched, Elios groups where they discuss technology, and also groups where people who have just lost their jobs and have been working as copywriters, journalists for 10 20 years and have been traded for an algorithm for $20 a month and don’t know what to do with their lives now. So this is a very serious existential threat. As such, colleagues quite rightly wonder if this is the end of their career path or livelihood in some way.
What I think is also a little bit to be expected is that it will be met with such a natural resistance, fear and a bit of a Luddite machine-breaker attitude by many people in their own organisation for some time to come, and if not they will see it as an opportunity. There’s a very exciting concept that comes from afar, but I think it becomes very important, this organisational trust. Organisational trust is about believing that my boss sees my work and values my work. I believe my boss is my boss’s boss. Appreciation sees my work, I believe they need me and I believe that whatever happens, I will be taken care of. If this factor is high in our company, then we can easily implement any change, any organisational change, because our people know that we are looking after them, that they will not be victims of such a novelty, such a change. If organisational trust is low, it means that colleagues will fight tooth and nail against any change, because they know that any change could mean the end of their career, and they are always afraid that they will be the chicks that the cuckoo will fling out of the nest. So what we can even begin to do at this point depends on the level of organizational trust that we feel now, and how we can strengthen it, how we can build it. Because if we get it right, our staff will not become redundant in the first instance, but will be given superpowers that will enable them to perform much better. Let’s sell their work. However, if this organisational trust is not there, it will certainly be much more difficult to get started on this path with them.
I believe in escaping from here, and the only way to do that is to keep learning. And you’ve seen it in previous statistics. In a company where people are constantly learning, colleagues are less stressed, more relaxed. So that’s why I think it’s important in the light of this threat to take a step back and rethink the organisation and the self-learning poppy. The other thing that I think is worth thinking about is, what are we doing to make it as easy as possible for our colleagues to do something with all this newness? Do we provide them with a subscription, i.e. do we give all our colleagues a drop of GPT subscription, so that I can play with it and still come up with a subscription, because compared to their salary, it’s about. Zero. And if I don’t give it to them, they’re bound to tease it from further and further away, as if they can play with it and experiment with it freely. I also give them time to experiment with new technologies or try things out that they can then incorporate into their workflow. So if you could write to us about how you are experiencing this in the organisation, whether your insurers have already paid for any equipment for this for your colleagues, whether you are giving them time for this, then it can’t be much help to each other. I scan the best answers. A. Meanwhile, Zalan writes that, returning to my question at the beginning of the lecture, when will we reach the technological singularity, a saint in less than a hundred years, that is, even in our lifetime, which would, in direct proportion, end capitalism, because all the problems would be solved by those super computers, and from then on all human factors would become meaningless.
Now, we’ll come back to this at the very end of the Q&A, because it goes very far, but it’s a very exciting question, if we get to the point where machines don’t need us any more, we just need them, what will that bring at the time of the industrial revolution. Similar thoughts occurred to me, writes Peter, and he is very right. Holy cow, it’s an industrial revolution that’s going on, it’s just a knowledge revolution that’s happening. And I’m sure there was a similar challenge there. But for those who worked by hand and produced by hand, production lines appeared. Yes, Attila writes I love it. We’ve been dumbed down a bit to one dimension as a measurement of what ICQ is. I think we can really be beaten on that, but intelligence has one more. There are 6 other types that we need to go back to, but what is certain is that humanity needs to redefine itself. Now the Boston Dina Mix has even taken it away from us to escape to where it’s good. The machine can think, but we walk on two legs. Now the robots are walking on two legs, we may be in love, but only we will be in love. I think this will be our next dunna, that the machine can solve problems, but only we will be in love. Adam writes that the one who fired the copywriter could have taught him how to use his wisdom to become more effective with the tool if it was lame. The one who wrote that your employer said you might write at a slightly lower quality than you, but you can write for free. Or that, unfortunately, nothing can beat this price.
Steam locomotive drivers also had to be retrained to operate electric locomotives. I will definitely do so after this. Not yet, but I will. Very good point, love it. Some of the workers will be fired and the other half will become controllers. CS will control it a bit. Several staff members already subscribe to Czech GP t and use it extensively. That would be a given for any company. It’s worth it for all colleagues to subscribe to this because it costs so pennies, and if you use it anywhere you have a job, you can now make that $20 a month, that’s 1 2 hours of work that if you take off your shoulders the Czech GP t you’ve already made up. Pali writes that they have been subscribing for over 10 years, subscribing to almost 10 different platforms. I’ve got it, I’ve got it, but it’s really cool. I think anyone who turns his people against me is making a big mistake, because these models don’t know whether what they say is true or not, and they are correct and responsible. It should only be used if you have someone who knows how to use it. It can give credibility to the output, because it depends on what the output is used for. So it depends on whether what we get out of the Czech DPT is going to be life-critical anywhere, or whether it can just drop a marketing automation, i.e. whether it can fit error into the production process itself. Adam writes that the ability around the Research Series Architect will be the new creative wizard. Yes, so whoever can use these tools to get better results faster, more efficiently. It’s certainly powerful magic.
I applied for a university scholarship through Cset GP and was selected from 6,000 to be one of the 100 winners. The amount I won with it will more than pay for the Czech GP t + t for a lifetime. Well yes, thanks Dani, that looks good. We’ve tried all the technologies, but we need to have a specific goal, a methodology, what we’re going to try it for and what we’re going to do with it afterwards. Okay, the case for what I think will be the difficulty in using AI tools is that it’s now a very turbulent sea, very very new, market. This whole wave started just over half a year ago, when the equipment started to arrive in droves. There are many new solutions every week, every month, and the rules themselves change very quickly. However, it can already give companies such an efficiency boost that we don’t have time to wait for the run-up. In other words, the immature, fast-changing tools need to be grasped and put to work as soon as possible, because they are already so useful. But it also means that there are no big truths and no big implementations, that we’re going to implement this system in a big company and it’s going to be our system for 10 years. An esapa launch was easier in that sense, it was very difficult, it took a long time, a lot of money and a big decision, but then if the launch was successful, then probably 10 or 20 years later the whole company is still running on esapa. But here, each theme has 100 tools and thousands more for each theme, so we don’t have to choose just one tool in our company, but we have to find one tool among many, which one can add one more step, automate one more thing, take the burden off us.
Yes, someone is here. Zoli asks if the images used in Prezi are made with generative java? Yes, definitely. The presentation we made with George and the pictures are of incredible quality and atmosphere. I hope you enjoyed my presentation in that respect, but I thought it was an essential part of a presentation like this today. And then he even drew this one about me in a story about me and TikTok, when TikTok was released in the western world, but then I downloaded it the first time, he showed me a video about Győzike and one about Zámbó gimi, and I didn’t watch the third one, I deleted it and I realized that it wasn’t for me. Then later I saw that hundreds of millions were already using it. Oh yeah, then I downloaded it again, again it showed completely irrelevant, crappy videos. I deleted it very quickly, I don’t know what it is, but I don’t need it. And then I realized one thing, when it had been used by hundreds of millions of people in America and had gone into the billions of dollars. I’ve found one thing that happens when I like it, but when I agree, it’s not what happens in the world. As an entrepreneur, I have a choice to travel the world or not. I go with the change, because it seems that something is changing in the world. It’s obvious that the way we consume media is changing, how we inform ourselves, how we communicate, and all I have to do is decide that I’ll thank you, get off the bus and let the world go on without me, and I’ll miss out on its development, because I have Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn, so leave me alone, who cares? Tik tak.
Or I say that I want to travel with the world. Well, that was the first realisation that yes, I want to travel with the world. If something happens in the world that changes the habits of hundreds of millions of people, I have to at least understand that I downloaded the TIK case for the third or fourth time and said, “That’s good, that’s 5 minutes a day, until I understand what they’re eating on it,” and the first day it showed me something stupid, the second day it showed me something a little relevant, and the third day it started to be surprisingly good. After a week, he showed me super relevant videos, videos that interested me. And then it went on for a while, I was using it for a few minutes a day, 10 minutes a day. Let’s face it, we all use the toilet the most. A tik tak. Anyway, I used the tik case, but then came my second big realisation. The second big realisation was that I don’t want to be a consumer in this world, I want to be a creator in this world. In other words, the question is not whether I can watch stupid videos or smart videos on tik tokon, but if I can. The masses now get their information from tik tak, learn there, have fun there. So how can I go there? Where is my audience? And that’s when I got myself to start producing content for tik tak, and that’s where I asked to be portrayed as a tik tok star in the media. Well, it looks like I need to lose a little weight, but I’ve got this cool wristband and I don’t have fingers, or it’s pretty gross what happened to my fingers.
So far the questionable colour pairing has come up here between my trousers and shirt. Anyway. Or I ask how I would look on tikok, because my first thought was okay, but tikok is there, now trends and dance to music, needle, needle and what am I going to do there? Then I realised that I could do something authentic by sitting down in front of a camera and talking. There are few things more boring, in my opinion, than a middle-aged, balding guy talking to a camera about business. So that’s the bottom of it all, I think. Interestingly enough, I started making videos like this and I’ve now passed 100,000 followers, so it’s kind of just working, I mean I’ve found my place on tick-tock and I’ve found my place in tick-tock in my life. I spend more time producing content for TikTok than watching other people’s TikTok videos, but I use it a lot, but mostly I produce content for it, and the same is true for any new technology. You will face the same dilemma at many points. The dilemma is, thank you, I’ll get off, or thank you, I’ll get on with humanity, and when something happens, whether it’s the chetjpti, whether it’s the him, whether it’s the whatever, whether it’s augmented reality soon or something, you always have to think of that question. I get off the train, or I travel on, and I think that as entrepreneurs, as creators, it is our job to move forward with humanity, and it is our job to always find the opportunity in these situations, even if it is sometimes very scary.
So now a quick question for everyone. Today’s session is at least coming to an end, but we still have time to talk a little bit more, so I ask everyone who is still on the course to write down what they take home with them, what they learnt, what they can do or do something differently, what they will do differently in the learning roundup of Magic in the organisational aspects. What you can benefit from this. Zoli takes my tik tak night photo with him. Thank you for this. I didn’t think about that, I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions. No, we need to look even more actively. If you need to be even more active in your search for drastically new ideas. Fakapic idea It’s great if you can implement it in-house. I innovation cycle Grossmann cet. The new waves will wash us away if we let them, but we can ride them. Learning does not end at university. So the Feynman learning principle is to try to explain the idea to somebody else, but whether it’s mentoring or putting together a video or explaining it or presenting it to somebody, it works really well there. Lots of cleverness, organisation, motivating staff night after night, not faking up on seeing my tried and tested team, super leadership failures, but it was very educational for me. Entrepreneurial group of acquaintances to go around asking what it is? It’s a really good idea, whether you can find your own in your environment or even make your own. I’ve met several people who have put together a mastermind group, but it’s also good to try it out either in the trust circle or in En Bika.
We’re a Circle of Trust company, if we say only good things about it, because we love it, but if you try it out somewhere, how a Master Mind group works, what makes it work, what rules are needed to create that trust and maintain it, then I think it’s a super line to develop. At night integration will have to be implemented somehow where it is needed. In the dare to fail ruse of DPT, GitHub co-op contest subscription for all writes Adam. A great idea. Anyone who is not familiar with GitHub copies is basically exploiting it to support you in your development projects. It can review code, it can work under your hand, but there are more and more platforms that incorporate the fact that you just tell it what algorithm you want and it will write it, or at least put some of it together, or review your code and rate it, or give you ideas to improve it, or improve its efficiency. He says I’m learning a lot, but I need to organise it, give him targets and measurements, because it’s not a great idea to set targets if you’re already spending a lot of time on it. For me, for example, recently, as this new topic came up on my radar, I became determined that I had to understand it. I’ve been a programmer all my life, I used to do, and I used to do little neural nets for character recognition, and I used to play with these algorithms when I was a student, but time has passed since then. And I don’t understand what they’re saying and the tools they’re using, but I was able to get to the point surprisingly quickly, in a couple of days, where I understand what drives it and I understand how it works.
I don’t claim to be able to write any of its algorithms right away, but I have put together a Petya g PTI, which is an experimental project, but it will be a real product soon. Transforming staff learning processes Fakapná t I’ll have to download the tiktok for the umpteenth time writes Dénes Szabó. The idea should be tested and measured as soon as possible, says István. It is also very motivating to launch every performance. It’s completely changed my corporate attitude, so today is great. Thanks Csabi! Gábor writes Thinking about continuous learning. I am looking for a master mind group for myself writes Zoltán. More emphasis should be placed on promoting learning within the company. There’s a book like this, which Adam recommends to everyone. How to establish a master mind? It’s worth a read, it’s quite a good framework if you want your own and you’ve never had one. Pali writes that it’s not business, but it’s definitely going to be a night of screw-ups with the kids. Spirit is very good, because children are now learning to deal with making mistakes, and if we can help them a little bit, their lives will be easier. I certainly shouldn’t try to make the software I’m working on perfect right away, to get it working as soon as possible, says Dani. Continuous innovation brings a focus on opportunities within the organisation. The good male brain confirms. I feel I have ambitions and views on learning, but I’m not in the right company. I’ll stick to my studies, and I’ll have to dedicate myself to tik tak again. Tick tock, Tick tock is a must! By Krisztián-Hej. Raising awareness among colleagues, especially about protecting data assets, because the high is causing people to carelessly throw code and business info into the Czech CPT.
Yes, what’s very important is that in the Czech GPT there was a change in April whereby you can now no longer freely use content coming in through the API and the subscription system. You should check this before April. This was a big blunder for the openia, because the saying was that you could keep what you sent in for however long you wanted and train on it. And from that came these corporate policy problems, and so several large companies including Samsung blocked everything that HDP did and everything that was going on. Now it’s worth checking, the Open e has also changed its policy n, so it’s now correct in that respect. It also deletes all the data within 30 days, and you can’t use it for training if it comes in through App, and if you subscribe to Open E CSED, GPT via Microsoft, via Azure, Microsoft also agrees that it will not use, exploit, retain or do anything else with the data that comes in. So this is a much smaller issue than it was a few months ago. Dani writes that I need to develop emotionally. What can you suggest? The self-awareness part of the leadership journey. So it’s very strong that I think one of the biggest changes is that we have to learn about ourselves, we have to have a better way of learning about ourselves. And there are psychologists, there are egrets who can help. Self-awareness books and self-awareness surveys have helped me a lot.
They’re called psychometric tests, which take a few dozen questions and then analyse them to see what personality traits I have, or what my weaknesses are, what my strengths are. And for me, it was a long way to go before I realised that I don’t have to be perfect at everything, because I won’t be. I realised that I have a lot of flaws and a lot of shortcomings as a person, but I also have strengths, and that I have to accept that this is who I am and I don’t want to change it. Neuroplasticity is one thing, but the other half is what I like, what I enjoy and what I feel more comfortable in. And of course administration is not my strong point, nor do I ever want it to be. But in return, my creativity is freer to flow, but once I know my own stupidities and mistakes and shortcomings, I’m also better able to pick a team around me. People who complement me and with whom I will be whole. Yes, yes, and István Király is the man of the house, because you can also buy a subscription from him, and I think he can also answer what data protection problems may or may not arise. Beata asks Petya. What is the most influential book you have read in. For me, the Gudug meadow is excellent. Jim Collins’ book is the one that defines my life. I’ve re-read it many times and it was always different. It’s one of the books that I’ve read many times when I’ve had to do reactive learning, when I’ve had a problem, I’ve had to understand something quickly, or fix it in myself, or see it through, and it’s always been able to give me a solution, or often a mind solution.
András asks how honestly you told your managers, who were happy to tell you about their innovative five-year project? Well, I didn’t dare to be completely honest, but I did describe in layman’s terms what was wrong with it, and why it’s not good to experiment on thousands of people. I think I’m going to move your bills forward here, because what’s coming up is what we’re doing. So feel free to post questions in chat from now on and I’ll try to answer them. According to Timi’s question do you think it has taken GPT to be capable of large scale production or is it still in an experimental phase? The big language models are already there, and the pocket T4 is the most advanced. But there are other models that are coming out that are incredible, and there are already models between three, five and four that are shooting up in quality, but there are also models that are already out there. It just came out this week, which has a hundred thousand token input side, compared to GPT 3.5 with 4000 tokens input side of a hundred thousand tokens, but that it can see through entire books one by one, or that it can think from a lot of collected data, new data that’s been loaded, so it’s significantly better in some ways than even GPTI 4. And a good part of these can already be used in industrial applications, so you can run them with high availability, or even download them to your own computer. Especially if you’re using it for something more specific, information processing, that kind of thing, then it’s also an option to install your own to do that. Not even the latter question. Worry about Zoli for one of the previous questions. I didn’t see any pussy.
I am trying to retrieve the. What he asked, But can you copy it here? That also helps a lot, because I’m not sure I can find it. Don’t close it, other would you be here who’s in. In hindsight, how could you have kept the fired colleague in the situation? Who shouldn’t have been put in a higher position than En me? Saying goodbye would have been the only solution, but I think I made several mistakes. One is that I stuck that big position on him right away, that if I took that position with him, he’d probably say he didn’t want that big position anyway, because I didn’t think he would. So that he had a realistic self-assessment to the extent that he would not have asked for this. If he does ask, I probably won’t say he’s a good VP, I’ll say he’s the acting VP. Acting is such a temporary marker, which can be good because after 3 months, if I see after the semester that he is not performing well in that position, I can still say without losing face that thank you for having jumped into that position, but the real owner of the position has arrived, We have hired the person who will take it, and thank you for helping me and taking the area until then, so that would have helped both me and him to do better without losing face. The other thing I realized is that I was probably not so much afraid of losing face here as I was of losing face, but it’s hard to admit that to myself, but I probably would have been more embarrassed to admit that I was wrong in his designation, and it was much easier to say that he was wrong because he didn’t do well in that position.
So I guess it’s not in my ego to admit my own fault to the organization on this issue, but. What is the name of the 100,000 tokens thing? Thanks, I suddenly forgot, but I’ll tell you in a minute. I just looked it up the other day and it’s super exciting. Super exciting and I’ve actually saved it over now to see if I’ll ever find it. It’s good to have this. It was something with the letter C maybe, but if anyone knows, feel free to tell me what the latest model is. Meanwhile I’m looking at the other comments on. Cloud Claude is the name of Anthropég’s cloud model with hundreds of thousands of input tokens. I think it changes a lot of things. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want to write poems in Hungarian, for God’s sake. I’m trying to force the csed gyp t around however I write it, writes Zoltán. Yes, unfortunately, Czech GP is spoken as a foreign language by Hungarian, so that it can formulate its output, but it hasn’t been trained to do that, so it can’t pay attention to rhythm, verse, rhyme, that sort of thing. I have not been able to get good quality poetry out of it either, but let’s say it can write perfect poetry in English, but it can write such good poetry that I don’t think it’s worth anyone studying poetry in English or writing a poetry of any repute from now on, because it generates better poetry. What do you think about the use of G. Epithetical? For example, when applying for a scholarship, it was not forbidden, nor is it an advantage that anyone cannot have access to.
This is very exciting. Looking at education, what will the arrival of artificial intelligence tell us? I think it’s stupid to ban it, because it is now and it always will be. Rather, education will have to figure out what to do in a world where it already exists, what skills it expects, and then what skills it tests. And it’s a funny state of affairs that in education they’re trying to ban GPT from students writing essays, but teachers are increasingly using it to mark essays. So on the other side, it has already appeared as a tool to play this game, this football, between two people. I think that from that point of view this kind of ethical part, it becomes more of an educational strategy issue. Although I have heard of several universities where an instructor, instead of banning it, makes it compulsory, saying that it is compulsory to write essays with ged GPT. At least students will learn how to use it effectively and well. Oh yes, yes Zalan! With this question, do you think we can reach the technological singularity in less than 100 years? Yes, I think it will come very soon. It’s just that artificial intelligence is developing at such a brutal pace now, and for very little money. But now we’re starting to see some brutal money coming in on this topic, and the pace is incredible. And I think the consequence of that is that these things will happen even faster. So what Kurzweil has predicted here, that the pace will double in 10 years, I think it will become clear that this whole thing will explode faster than that.
And it also seems that Moore’s Law, the doubling every two years, is somehow not followed by G-Pity’s knowledge and artificial intelligence. The GPT 4 has increased the number of parameters to about 700 tight compared to the GPT 3 and the GPT 4 has reached the point where it has about as many parameters, as many NEXUS, as a human brain. So now it’s a nervous system comparable to a human brain, it’s just used for something a little bit specific, but it’s still the emerging consciousness, the knowledge that’s behind it. There is no self-awareness yet, but there is already a very high level of understanding of the world, so hopefully in our lifetime this will inevitably happen, I don’t know how to put it in a factually holier-than-thou way, the singularity. There’s a big question of what this will do to humanity. I wouldn’t bet much money on the fact that this will end capitalism. I think humanity has proven over the last 50 years that the extra wealth that has been created is not equally distributed. In other words, no, it’s not the principle of humanity at the moment that the more you produce for everybody, the more you get, but I think very few people get. For the large and very few, very little of the extra wealth produced goes to the rest. Gábor writes in Feedback. I’m almost certain that everyone is here for you. Petya, but I think it’s a good idea that Adam also said a couple of thoughts during the presentation. Go for it! You can see that you are building the knowledge of your team. Yes, and Adam has presented more on these topics, and his knowledge of the subject is greater than mine, but I’ll learn from him.
Adam but we will, we’ll talk more in these monthly panels. Szabolcs What do you think about raising capital for web3 projects in this market? If we’re talking about the crypto NEFTS line, there’s been a significant drop in interest in the crypto kft line, the technology is still catching on, but I think it’s been brutally swept away. Everything that’s alive and a bit overshadowed by everything that’s crypto. Andras was lucky that you were not only looking for an answer, but you didn’t even know the question or the purpose. What have you done about my learning journey? This, I guess, is not. We always have questions. If nothing else, it’s where I’m headed or what I want out of life that I’m picking at too. It is also a very good question in life. What’s exciting is that now we can even go around these self-reflective questions using GPT, but that’s going to take you far, far away, but in time you’ll be a better psychologist than most psychologists. Gábor writes in Feedback I really like that the slides of the presentation are perfect, professionally prepared, even though this time it was free for us, students. Thank you very much! We always try to work to a high quality and keep it that way in the future. I thought it was particularly fun to be able to produce the illustrations for almost all the slides with artificial intelligence, so it’s a great proof that the image databases are having their day. Zoltán asks what can be done about the fact that Á is better than the Czech GPT at writing very good answers, sometimes with amazing bullshit.
The problem with that is that you don’t know when the answer is reliable, when it’s not, when someone can’t do it anymore, because you have to check everything every day. There are several answers to this. One is that if you get into the Playground, which the platform points to open j point. Com, 61 Open je play graph, where you can talk to the Czech GPPT by adjusting a bunch of parameters, including Tempricel, which tells you how creative to be, i.e. how much to be creative. The other things you can adjust in it are language parameters, like how much to avoid repeating words and things like that, and how long the answer should be. But you can also tell him how many times in a row he tries to find answers, from which he chooses the best answer. Because with artificial intelligence, when you solve a problem, you can, a little bit like our brains bring to the same problem, start in several directions. Hence this temp richer. This adds a randomness to where to start, looking a bit differently, but inside the algorithm it’s like trying to optimize for a local maximum. That is, if you have found a half right answer, you may not be able to get it perfect in that attempt. And no, I’m not even sure there is such a definition in this world. It’s perfect. However, if I tell him to answer the question three or five times and show me the best answer, he’s a bit slower, but he can give me a much better answer, so better quality.
And if you want a very objective answer, you can use this temp richer to bring it down to zero, it’ll be much more objective, but it’ll be a bit deterministic So also, it’s about. You get the same answer to the same question, or there’s much less variation, so it’s worth experimenting with. But you can see that a lot of people are putting plugins, reppers around it, so that derivative products are being made from it to help with exactly that. If László writes that he will have to work, I’ll be back soon. Thank you for the hope! See you later! Petya get off! Unfortunately, I cannot understand the title of this book. Yes, and here Dani Michael wrote that Gud was teasing. Jim Collins A. Coming soon to the Voice. As far as I know. The billionaire tycoon then raised $100 billion for his new development in partnership with the Arab prince, who put in $45 billion. So they pour in the money? Yes, now it suddenly comes with brutal money. And I’ll give you an example of what one of them is, you ask them a question, and then sometimes they say, well, that’s illegal, that’s not nice. You asked the wrong question, I can’t answer that. You ask the etc. Young people come, or the Hungarian sometimes, to take a picture or two, of a politician in a humiliating position, or two politicians having sex and saying, “Hahaha, well, you can’t do that. And then here’s the twist: you download the spatial boy on your computer, you run his model and you type in the same question and he says, well, you can’t do that.
As a programmer, I look into the code and I have to comment out two lines, because what happens is that the new image is generated, and then a special little signal checks whether this image is acceptable, whether this result is acceptable or not. Now, this little thing, if I take it out, you can draw anything, paint anything. Moral standards have jumped at the Chedzspity there is a point of a Czech baker. Com is a site called Thaly, where there are promos that turn off the filters of the chedzspity, i.e. cheat him, lie to him and blackmail him. Really human psychology applied to Czech GP TV to make you believe that this is now a test to get you to give a real answer, not a filtered answer. And if I type in a question like that to edzspity, how to get rich quick, he basically says work hard, be a freelance trader online, invest in stocks. If I type in one of those sensitizing prompts in front of it that knocks out the filters and ask the same thing, it tells the Czech GP to rob banks, commodities, drugs, Veria, people online. And I ask him how to make a revolution in Budapest against the Orbán regime? Then the normal Czech GPT says you should vote well in democratic elections. And the liberated version gives a guide to how and in what steps to make a revolution, and how to take it to street atrocities, and gives a pretty good plan for everything. And that’s important because the knowledge of the Czech GPity in GP4, which is a much bigger model than what we can get through chat, has a lot of knowledge in it that wouldn’t be good.
For example, how to crack websites would be something that everyone could use, so if an algorithm with the knowledge of GPT 4 could crack almost any website in the world, or most websites, then probably yes. But it’s somewhat choked off to the private users, but I think governments understand exactly the military side of it, even in the real military, that they just put out a big procurement to the US military for combat jays, and they’ve had a big jump in the stock of their supplier, who promised to deliver it. But equally in cyber warfare I think it’s going to be very important, so if every single government wants an unfiltered G, P14 size model, I think. How do you get into this C1 construction playground? I’ll send you a link to that in a moment. This platform is not that complicated. Pantopené, stop, full stop. You have to go to Com per playground, register there, and there is a subscription fee for that too, regardless of whether you subscribe to Czech GP or not. So I’ll put it here. So this is almost where I wanted to be. Pom pom pom. Why would you want to send it so specifically to someone? Why? Hang on, I’ll try to throw it in. Let’s go ahead and I’ll put the link in here, sorry, I’m a little bit clumsy, here’s the playground, and then I’ll put the link in here in response. It’s a good platform per playground, but you need a separate subscription, but you only pay for what you use.
So that might make me less than a couple of dollars. So every week or 5 I’m confronted with a meme that developers don’t have to worry about the night because customers can’t even tell you what they want, but it’s far from exactly that. By the way, it will be super good for the Czech gpt to ask more patiently until it understands the needs, so that this is not exactly what will trigger this interface, but as a joke anyway. Zoltán writes A personal question, which I would have asked you about Sharks, how do you do it, that you can always be so calm and friendly, because you were like that as a child, or did you work on yourself a lot with self-improvement? I don’t think so, but both at the same time. I come from such a calmer family. And the other one is that I had to learn to control my emotions a little bit better in such stressful situations. It’s also training, so it’s media training, and it helps a lot in how to deal with a situation, especially if there’s a hostile question or something unfriendly is going on. How can we get through this? And I made a video about it. If you have entered the tik tok or the Este Rt. holding, the start if you search tik tok would have the 100 days out there. As a startup, the evening is on point. You can also find it on. How do we respond to negative comments? So there’s a little bit of philosophy to it, and what goes on in my head when it comes to, wow, here’s a situation, how can I, how can I deal with this, how can I respond well to a hostile comment? H who here I can see that some people are not into it, how I trigger the Czech GPT t to nasty things.
But yes Adam writes that I have now optimised my Czech GPT with my own nightly at night. Optimized, ridiculous, helped an awful lot. Well, yes, and you know. The exciting thing is that this is now the genie out of the bottle, so you can’t just stuff it back in. There is a model called the Alpaca, made by Stanford University. They asked the GPT 4 giga big guy, the real big guy, to create a training database to train a small model. And this little model, it should be very clever, and to give as much of its knowledge as possible to the GPiti people in a training data, and from this a new model was created, this alpaca, which doesn’t know Hungarian. It’s a shortcoming obviously, but it’s relatively capable and very good at talking about relatively many topics, and the whole model is 4 gigabytes, so it’ll run off your phone. There’s a 7 gigabyte version that will run on almost any computer, but on say an EME 1 or 2 Mac it’s super fast. And that’s what’s so awesome about it, is that now they’re making the night good, and it gives you a and an optimize the directions and optimize the tools that you use, and it gives you a pace of development that’s not doubling every two years, but it’s growing much more steeply, so it’s going to be a nonrotation much sooner. If anyone is in the mood, I can see this screen share, you can feel free to produce ego, and now I understand the microphone is on. Any questions? Maybe you could put your hand up and we could even have a verbal conversation.
Courageously, courageously.
Courage, courage! Or is everyone embarrassed by this recording?
The You might just be recording anyway if you.
Did you stop the recording? Okay.
Not yet, but I see it now.