#for what
What you will definitely need to understand is the logic and world of startup investing, the motivations and habits of the players and how to navigate this world and succeed in the best possible conditions. Whether it’s your wealth at stake, or your job and career, it has to be worth it.

As only I know. This will not be an academic paper on world capital markets. It’s not even a university meetup, where there are no bad ideas, just little realities. It’s not the run-of-the-mill startup experts’ all-telling after reading two books.It’s 20+ years of startup buildingexperience, the lessons learned from building and exiting a world-successful mobile gaming company and a world-successful navigation company (NNG). Over 40 angel investments, and thousands of hours of startup executive mentoring experience. Joint investment with more than a dozen VCs. Nearly 10 billion HUF of external capital invested in own portfolio companies.
The basic principle of the lecture series is that each topic is approached from three angles , mixing theory, practice and personal experiencein a 1/3-1/3-1/3 ratio. So, as well as being accessible and enjoyable, it gives you a deeper understanding of the “whys” and concrete, immediately usable practical knowledge.

#for whom
For current and future angel investors who are interested and attracted by the world of startups, but are aware that it is a very complex and risky game and want to understand the rules of the game better before burning too much money.
Investment managers of institutional investors who want to gain a better understanding of the market, the ecosystem outside their own firm and be more successful in their work with new perspectives, practical knowledge and a greater understanding of the field.


The lecture series will contain many concrete stories, real investments, case studies and at several points there will be a Q&A or joint reflection and discussion between the participants, so participants will be required to sign a mutual confidentiality agreement before attending.

Two full days and one (two, or three) evenings spent together in the picturesque Prónay Castle. With lots of concrete examples, honestly, thinking through the pitfalls together.


Both days with breakfast, lunch, dinner, the first evening relaxing in the wellness area, then after dinner drinking wine (or beer) with the 20 participants, myself and some surprise guests. A total of 14+ hours of presentations, case studies and discussions over the two days.

Day 1:

Introduction / Investing in startups / What is angel investing / Returns / Portfolio impact / Data and case studies / Q&A
Deal flow: what is it? / Brand building / Custom deal flow / Deal flow sources / Data and case studies / Q&A
Selection and Company Evaluation: top 3 criteria / Personal rules / What goes wrong / Company evaluation / VC vs angel / Methodologies / Examples and case studies / Q&A
Investing: priced smart / Due diligence / Everybody lies / When it fails / Legal framework / Case studies / Q&A

Day 2:

Working together: how much and how? / Confidence / Frameworks / Good times, bad times / Control / Pivot / They grow on us / Case studies / Q&A
Next round: to raise or not? / Financial Co-Founder / Dirty Deals / Closing the Deal / Renegotiation, ESOP, Complications / Q&A
Failures and exits: failures and lessons learned / The road to exit / Exits, case studies / Q&A
How to do business: models / Management fee / Other money / Sources (SA, NRIF, EIF, EBRD, Matching funds, Stock exchange, Capital portal) / Objectives and tools / Case studies / Q&A

“The stories and personal experiences are good, I learned at least as much as I did during the whole university. It was a great team and the total transparency from everyone gave me a lot.”
Gábor Vitvera

What did you like best?
“Your humility and many practical examples. And of course the confidential info.”
Gábor Lévai

What did you like best?
“Comprehensiveness, guests, atmosphere, environment, honesty and directness”
Niki Forray

Frequently asked questions

You can use the Apply button below to fill in the application form. On this basis, you will soon receive an escrow agreement, which you will sign and receive the invoice. You can pay your bill by bank transfer or credit card.

If you fall ill, e.g. catch COVID, the course fee will be refunded, but you will have to pay the hotel booking fee (about 100 eFt). But it’s best not to get sick, so take care!

The course will go through many concrete examples and case studies, so everyone will have to sign a confidentiality agreement. There is no other way to share these stories, which is why it is important to be there in person. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other angels, with whom you can later invest and help each other.

Next course

2024. in spring

#are you coming?
If you’re interested, you can sign up using the Pre-register button and we’ll let you know as soon as we have a date and location for the course.

2024. in spring

The participation fee per person is HUF 449,000 + VAT, which includes the training but excludes accommodation and meals.
If you also bring a colleague, family member or partner, the participation fee is 349,900 HUF + VAT
Accommodation and meals will be paid directly to the hotel at a cost of approx. 100,000 HUF per person.

#are you coming?
If you decide to come, you can officially register here:

Before you close...

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