With Petya Balogh

Want to start a business but don’t know where to start? Tired of your boss’s image and decided to be your own boss? Was your New Year’s resolution to start your own business? Then this is for you!

The course is delivered live by Petya Balogh – via the internet in a Zoom call with participants, interactively. 25+ years of company buildingexperience, an award-winning mobile gaming company and a world-successful lessons learnt from the build-up and exit of the navigation company (NNG). More than 40 angel investments, thousands of hours as a company director mentoring experience. Joint investment more than a dozen VC-with. Nearly 10 billion HUF 10 billion of external capital raised in own portfolio companies.

Why me?
As it turns out, I was building startups before we even knew they were called that. Over 25 years of startup building, co-founding and co-leading two global success stories, 40+ startup investment experiences. If I were to start again now, with all this knowledge and experience, I could probably save myself a few years. And maybe for you too, if you start down that road.

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What is it good for?
It helps you think through the key questions and steps to get started. It shows you the path from idea to approaching your first investor. It prepares you for the challenges of running a business and sets you on the right track to distinguish between what’s important and what’s not.

Who do I recommend?
Prospective business leaders, start-ups who are just about to launch their company.

Through concrete examples
The series of presentations will include many concrete stories, real investments, case studies, and at several points there will be Q&A or joint reflection and discussion between the participants, so participants will be required to sign a mutual confidentiality agreement before attending.

Study material
I created the curriculum myself. The 6 modules will guide participants through more than 150 self-made slides.

Thesis abstract

1. Cancer Preparedness: reserves / Idea / Who do we need? / Product / Founders / Management
Product 2: Value proposition / Market research / Customers / Validation / Pricing / Declarations of intent
3. Launch: Website / Media / Marketing / Competition / MVP
4. Money: first sale / Margin, Margin, Profit / Revenue / Billing / Costs / Acceleration
5. Operation: company formation / Legal, accounting, admin / Analytics / Lessons learned / Non-knowledge / Unit economics
6. Investing: investable company / Pitch / PÜ plan / Investors / Investing

Kiss Norbert Tamás
Kiss Norbert Tamás
CEO / BossBoard Kft
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Petya ezen a képzésen nagyon jól összegyűjtött, rendszerezett, mindent átfogó, horizontális képet ad a vállalkozás területeiről és azok összefüggéseiről. Induló vállalkozóknak - ha csak nincs mentoruk - felelőtlenség kihagyni. Tudásban, érthetőségben, hatékonyságban, ár-érték arányban kiemelkedő.
Gali István Márk
Gali István Márk
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Köszönöm azt a vállalkozói, befektetői alázatot, amit felénk mutatsz, így egy olyan biztonságos környezetet teremtve, hogy megnyílva tudjuk megbeszélni a kérdéseinket, félelmeinket. Kifejezetten nagyra értékeltem, hogy minden kérdést kellő alapossággal körüljártál, több szempontot is megbeszélve, és a való életből hoztál megtörtént eseményeket, tapasztalatokat.
Pusztai Tamás
Pusztai Tamás
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Ha saját vállalkozást tervezel indítani, Petya "Kilövés" tanfolyama egy stabil alapot ad a kezdetekhez. Valós példákon keresztül tanulod meg, mire és miért érdemes már az első lépéseknél odafigyelned, amivel rengetek pénzt, munkát és fejfájást takarítasz meg. Gyakorlatias, hiteles és professzionálisan kivitelezett, csak ajánlani lehet!
Czibor Róbert
Czibor Róbert
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Várakozásom teljes mértékben felülmúlta ez az előadássorozat. Mint kezdő vállalkozó alkalmasabb személyt keresve sem találhattam volna a tanuláshoz, fejlődéshez. Rengeteget adott nekem ez a pár nap amiért végtelenül hálás vagyok.
Mag Zoltán
Mag Zoltán
Executive / UD Ventures
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Azoknak, akik már milliárdosok lettek saját startup-juk exitjéből, Balog Petya kurzusai nem ajánlottak! A többieknek kötelező!
Balatoni Kitti
Balatoni Kitti
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Szeretettel ajánlom, ha elindulnál a vállalkozói lét felé, de még nem látod tisztán az utat. Petya hiteles iránytűként saját tapasztalataiból merít, nem kertel, nem beszél mellé. Helyette meghallgat, hasznos tanácsot ad. Petya sikerei helyette beszélnek - ő mindezek mellett közvetlen és kedves. Nekem már ezért és a kialakult közösségért is megérte.
Video tutorial

Material from the same course is also available as edited videos, which can be studied at your own pace, re-watched at any time.

A total of 31 videos, 500 minutes (8+ hours) of edited presentations.

Purchase and viewing is done on the Teachable platform, whether from a computer, tablet or smartphone, or accessed via a web browser or the Teachable app.

Price: 49 990 HUF + VAT (Gross 63 373 HUF)

Click on the “I’m interested” button below to go to the Teachable page where you can purchase the course.

Of course, you can buy as an individual or as a company. The invoice contains the information you provided. The seller is Teachable, an American company. If you buy as a company and provide your EU tax number, VAT is not charged.

You can access the course material on the Teachable website and mobile app. There is currently no limit to how far you can go. We’ll certainly take a year, but unless something serious happens, you can hopefully watch it again for free in the same place years later.

Live course

Three afternoons of live, interactive group training, online Zoom video call, where you can ask questions at any time.

Expected group size 20-40 people.
Three days from 2023. 14, 18, 20 April.
Every time from 13:00 to 17:00.
Twelve hours of interactive training in total.

The participation fee for one person: 99,900 HUF + VAT.

Click on the apply button above to fill in an application form. Applicants will receive an email with a link to the online contract about two weeks before the course. You must complete and accept the contract online. We will then (within a few days) issue and send you an invoice, which you can pay by bank transfer or card.

Of course, you can buy as an individual or as a company. The invoice will include your details, and we will send you a VAT invoice for each purchase.

Of course, in this case, the invoice will be issued accordingly. Don’t forget to give your Community tax number if you are buying from an EU company! The invoice will also include the IBAN bank account number of the company to which you can transfer the money.

You can of course change your mind before the course starts. We’ve never had a client lose their temper on the go, but if it did happen, we’d certainly find a fair solution.

As each session is recorded and the recordings are sent to participants at the end of each day, you don’t have to worry about missing anything.

Of course not, it would not be realistic. We’ll cover the most important topics and, where possible, show you the important lessons through concrete examples, but beyond that, you’ll also face many challenges on your journey as an entrepreneur. Success will take a lot of experimentation, learning, trying and a few failures.

We’ll have a joint Zoom call with participants, where I’ll be the main speaker, but you can stop and ask questions on the go, and there will be time during and at the end of the modules to ask questions. This is important because it makes it easier for you to interpret the tanantag for yourself.

Certainly for a year after the course, and longer if we can. It may be worth checking back occasionally, if you have a question on a particular topic.

One application (and payment) allows one person to participate. If you share your videos with a very small group (e.g. your founding partner within the company), that’s fine, but please don’t do it beyond that! If you want to come with more than 3 people, I can give you a discount.

This is not adult education. It has no training objective, it does not aim to develop competences, it does not give you a qualification, it does not entitle you to anything and it does not promise that you will find a job in the labour market more easily because you participate.