(Business building lessons for business leaders who want to learn)

You’re already up and running with your company. You may have already raised capital. And like the Titanic met the iceberg, your master plan met reality. And slowly, painfully, in small steps, you have realised that there is no straight line to success. It turns out that the decade ahead holds fewer hiccups and more struggles than the startup career model brochure suggested. The American bestseller books, the university meet-ups, the tell-all articles somehow don’t fit the sitcom.

That’s why I did the Starting Up! course. More than three hundred important themes, perspectives and lessons. Thoughts that helped me understand the world when I was building a company and then when I was helping startups as an investor and mentor. None of them are the final and only truth, just lessons to be learned. New perspectives that make it easier to understand a situation. Lessons from the first five years. 24 hours of live, group video training or 14 hours of edited video.

As it turns out, I was building startups before we even knew they were called that. More than 25 years of startup building, co-founding and leading two global success stories, 35 startup investments. If I were to start again now, with all this knowledge and experience, I could probably save myself a few years. And maybe for you too, if you started down this road.

It gives you an overview of all the key success factors, shows you what you can expect along the way and has plenty of stories of its own to help make it understandable and accessible. It’s not a sure-fire recipe – I don’t think it exists. But a few hundred new perspectives, ideas and practices for sure. They won’t decide for you – but they will help you make better decisions. If the future of your company is at stake, it should be worth it.

#for whom
For business leaders, startup founders, future entrepreneurs who want to learn, become better and more aware through new perspectives, grow and develop with their company. And of course for investors and investment managers who work with startups and business leaders and want to understand what they are really investing in.

Nemes Martina
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Mikor belevágtunk a tanfolyamba pontosan erre számítottam. Ami itt újdonság, az a “fórum-jelleg”, melyhez a tematika kiválóan illeszkedik. A homáros példád segített az önvádról áthelyezni a hangsúlyt a big picture-re.
Berecz Ádám
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Olyan, mintha intravénásan kapnám a tömény startup tudást. Szerintem az elmúlt 10 évben nem ragadt rám ennyi konkrét, hasznosítható tudást, mint itt ezekben a pár órákban. 
Gál István
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Nagyon tetszik, nagyon jól összefoglalja a témákat, baromi hasznos 🙂 Nagyon jó a sok példa, amiken keresztül tükröződik a tapasztalatod.

As only I know. This will not be an academic paper on world capital markets. It’s not even a university meetup, where there are no bad ideas, just little realities. Not even the run-of-the-mill startup experts’ all-telling after reading two books.The lessons learned from 25 years of startup buildingexperience, building and exiting a world-successful mobile gaming company and a world-successful navigation company (NNG). Over 30 angel investments, thousands of hours of startup executive mentoring experience. Joint investment with more than a dozen VCs. Nearly 10 billion HUF of external capital invested in own portfolio companies.
The basic principle of the lecture series is to approach each topic from three angles , mixing theory, practice and personal experiencein a 1/3-1/3-1/3 ratio. So, as well as being accessible and enjoyable, it gives you both a deeper understanding of the “whys” and concrete, immediately usable practical knowledge.

The series of presentations will include many concrete stories, real investments, case studies, and at several points there will be Q&A or joint reflection and discussion between the participants, so participants will be required to sign a mutual confidentiality agreement before attending.

The course is also available as an edited video course, with a total of 63 videos, covering 14 hours. You can binge-watch, but you can also go bit by bit.

In an online video conference series. The material to be covered is huge, but we managed to squeeze everything that is important into 24 hours. The joint work will take place over 8 designated afternoons, for 3 hours at a time, via online Zoomvideo call. Each session lasts around two and a half hours of lectures followed by half an hour of interactive discussion.
The presentations and raw videos from the classes will be given to participants, so if you can’t make it to one of the sessions, you won’t miss anything.

In total, the 8 modules will guide participants through 300+ important perspectives, ideas and lessons through more than 300 self-made slides.


1. From idea to product
Place of the idea / Unfair advantage / Validation / Back of the napkin / Product Market Fit / Good idea vs bad idea
2. The driver
The role of the leader / Leaders’ leader / Delegation or green & clean / Learning / Energy
3. Team and Organisation
Stumbling points and lobsters / Performance needs / Urgent / Urgent / Co-founders / ESOP / Salary, bonus, motivation
4. Client
Customer demand / Customer experience / LoI / Complaints / Bargaining / King makers / Whales and small fish / Customer insight / The time that can’t be bought
5. Sales and Marketing
Sales vs Marketing / Business model / Recurring revenues / Magic numbers / Marketing dilemma / Sales organisation
6. Development
Lean and Agile / Prolonged 2.0 / Business and development / Scrum
Velocity / External or internal team / Thousand year axe
7. Money
Start-up / FFF / External capital / Grants / Revenue / Metrics
8. Why
Startupper psychology / Exit oriented company building / The price of success / My way / Learning

You can see more extra details for free after registration:

Video tutorial

The course material is available as edited videos, which can be studied at your own pace and re-watched at any time.

A total of 51 videos, 840+ minutes (14 hours) of edited presentations.

Purchase and viewing is done on the Teachable platform, whether from a computer, tablet or smartphone, or accessed via a web browser or the Teachable app.

Click on the “APPLY” button to go to the Teachable interface, where you can view and purchase the video content of the courses. In this case, you are buying from a US company called Teachable, not me, so they will give you a receipt for your purchase, according to US rules. Your accountant can calculate this.

Of course, you can buy as an individual or as a company. Your purchase is made directly from the US company Teachable, so they will also send you a receipt by email. This is not a Hungarian VAT invoice, but your accountant can calculate it. If you buy as a company and provide your EU tax number, VAT is not charged.

After the purchase, you can only change your mind if you have a specific complaint. But if there are any problems, we will of course refund the amount paid.

Of course not, it would not be realistic. We’ll cover the most important topics and, where possible, show you the important lessons through concrete examples, but beyond that, you’ll also face many challenges on your journey as an entrepreneur. Success will take a lot of experimentation, learning, trying and a few failures.

This is footage from a previous live video course, edited, enhanced and presented in bits and pieces. Because of this, it’s a bit shorter, you can’t ask questions during, but you can watch or listen at your own pace, at any time, even through the Teachable app.

Certainly for a year after the course, and longer if we can. It may be worth checking back occasionally, if you have a question on a particular topic.

One application (and payment) allows one person to participate. If you share your videos with a very small group (e.g. your founding partner within the company), that’s fine, but please don’t do it beyond that! If you want to come with more than 3 people, I can give you a discount.

This is not adult education. It has no training objective, it does not aim to develop competences, it does not give you a qualification, it does not entitle you to anything and it does not promise that you will find a job in the labour market more easily because you participate.

Live course

Live, interactive group course, online Zoom video call, where you can ask questions at any time.

Expected group size 30 people.
Next group: expected 2023 Q4
1,200 minutes or twenty hours of interactive training.

The participation fee for one person: 199,900 HUF + VAT.

Click on the “APPLY” button to fill in an application form. Applicants will receive an email with a link to the online contract about two weeks before the course. You must complete and accept the contract online. We will then (within a few days) issue and send you an invoice, which you can pay by bank transfer or card.

Of course, you can buy as an individual or as a company. The invoice will include your details, and we will send you a VAT invoice for each purchase.

Of course, in this case, the invoice will be issued accordingly. Don’t forget to give your Community tax number if you are buying from an EU company! The invoice will also include the IBAN bank account number of the company to which you can transfer the money.

You can of course change your mind before the course starts. We’ve never had a client lose their temper on the go, but if it did happen, we’d certainly find a fair solution.

As each session is recorded and the recordings are sent to participants at the end of each day, you don’t have to worry about missing anything.

Of course not, it would not be realistic. We’ll cover the most important topics and, where possible, show you the important lessons through concrete examples, but beyond that, you’ll also face many challenges on your journey as an entrepreneur. Success will take a lot of experimentation, learning, trying and a few failures.

We’ll have a joint Zoom call with participants, where I’ll be the main speaker, but you can stop and ask questions on the go, and there will be time during and at the end of the modules to ask questions. This is important because it makes it easier for you to interpret the tanantag for yourself.

Certainly for a year after the course, and longer if we can. It may be worth checking back occasionally, if you have a question on a particular topic.

One application (and payment) allows one person to participate. If you share your videos with a very small group (e.g. your founding partner within the company), that’s fine, but please don’t do it beyond that! If you want to come with more than 3 people, I can give you a discount.

This is not adult education. It has no training objective, it does not aim to develop competences, it does not give you a qualification, it does not entitle you to anything and it does not promise that you will find a job in the labour market more easily because you participate.

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